Monday, August 6, 2012


So... we moved.  We (God willing) close on our old house on Friday. Meanwhile, chaos ensues...

Special order for a preemie second cousin (or something like that)
Fabric is hand dyed by Vicki Welsh (yum!)

Someday, this will be my sewing area.

Sewing storage.
I left strict orders while I was gone that DH NOT unpack these boxes!

MORE sewing materials, in the giant storage cave.

We love our new house.  It has (gasp) THREE bathrooms, a definite step up from one.  The basement is finished, won't leak like our old basement, and is a luscious 10 degrees (F) cooler than the upstairs, even with the air vents closed to the basement.

The day after we moved, I left for Chicago for two weeks of training (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd).  It was amazing, but I was homesick.  I've never been away from my kids for more than a night, and never away from DH for more than a few days since we were married seven years ago.

I'm 18 1/2 (or 19 1/2, by sonogram) week pregnant.  My sonogram was Wednesday, and, possibly to the girls' chagrin (but I think more to their relief, considering how BOY Q is...), we're having another boy!  His name is already chosen.  Now to come up with a good nickname for here on the blog.

Maybe by the end of the week I will have my boxes unpacked... then I can work on my Scraps to Treasures quilt!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Vicki W said...

Moving is always a pain but havinf a new studio (and more bathrooms) is all worth it. Is this your 4th baby? Maybe you can call him 4 on the blog. I hope your pecnancy contines uneventful!

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