Saturday, July 20, 2024

Catching Up

 Huzzah for block halves!

I clearly don’t have as many aqua scraps as red and blue, which means this week I caught up to my self-imposed goal.

I finished my flowers this week but failed to snap a photo, so I’ll try to get them when I have finished 16 patches next weekend!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Stash Report Week #28 and 15 Minutes

 I have thoroughly disrupted my own plans for stash busting this year, and I think that’s fine.  I want to make curtains for my classroom but don’t really have the time to right now to make Bojagi panels.  I didn’t plan far enough ahead or inspiration didn’t strike.  I also just bought some pretty things.

IN this week: 29 3/4 yards 
OUT this week: 0 yards

IN YTD: 92 1/2 yards
OUT YTD: 39 1/4 yards 
YTD Total: 53 1/4 yards IN

I also quilted plenty over the last week, so the hexagon quilt creeps along a thread at a time.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

My Favorite Scraps

I spent the week a bit frozen in inability to get things done.  Even sewing didn’t get much attention, or I didn’t accomplish much when I was sewing.

Four lovely flowers are finished.  While I have lots of aqua scraps, I’ve discovered they are so different from each other that it’s hard to slap eight random pieces together to make a flower.  I am making good progress on using up the bulk of the 2.5” bricks, but the remaining unique ones will have to go into something else.
I intended to have all my little turquoise squares made into four patches by today, but I’m less than halfway done.  It’s okay, there’s plenty of month left.

The weather has been so very hot this week!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. It’s Saturday, so that means linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!


Monday, July 8, 2024

June UFO Report

 My UFO list remained unchanged in the month of June.

June 1: 7 projects
Started or finished: 0
June 30: 7 projects

1. brown pillow
2. double wedding ring quilt
3. alphabet quilts (FINALLY working on this one!)
4. hand pieced hexagons: quilting
5. pink hexagons
6. 16 patches
7. flowers

I know the alphabet quilt, 16 patches, and flowers will all produce more than one finished quilt, but I really enjoy the making without a concrete plan and having a huge array of blocks to dream with at the end of the year.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Stash Report Week #27 and 15 Minutes

 My stash report is unchanged this week.  I did finish a spool of thread this week and forgot to report another finished last week (I use one for bobbins and one for the top thread, so they run out about the same time), so I have used up 14 spools of thread so far this year.

I struggled to get my hand quilting in this week, but had the very reasonable excuse of family staying with us.  We were briefly a household of 3 adults and 12 kids!  I did manage 15 minutes a day, but not much more.  That’s okay.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

July Goals

 June included a week of classes as I work on reestablishing my teaching license, but it was nice to connect with adults and I learned a lot!

1. Scraps: trim, blue flower blocks and blue 16 patches.  All splendidly done, including 269 blue 16 patches.

2. Quilt the hexagon quilt.  I'm using a small frame, and would like to finish the frame section four times.  Very nicely done.

3. Repair a crochet quilt.  Done.

4. Make a new ironing board cover as the old one is faded, stained, and the batting underneath is thoroughly squashed.  Done.  It was easier than last time!

5. Make a weighted blanket.  Also done.

July and life are hard, but I’m looking forward to my sewing for the month.

1. Scraps: trim, aqua flower blocks and aqua 16 patches.  They will be easier than blue as there are less scraps.

2. Quilt the hexagon quilt.  I’d like to move the frame at least four times again.

3. Work on an alphabet quilt.  This has been on my UFO list as long as I’ve been making a list.  I think I can make two more quilts from the supplies I have, and then I can check off this UFO!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


That’s me.  Having company and a holiday midweek makes it hard to remember where we are in the week!  My younger sister’s family stays with us when they come to town, so we have 12 kids in the house.  It’s so lovely that all the kids have grown up just enough that they play really well together.

I’ve clearly not sewn as much as usual, but I think this afternoon I’ll get all my turquoise strips sewn to their white strips.  I also sorted my 2.5” bricks for to make flower blocks in the coming weeks.

It’s Rainbow Scrap Challenge weekend!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Great and Wonderful Hexagon Quilt

 I like to revisit my progress on the hexagon quilt when the middle of the year arrives.  It looks like I didn’t snap a picture in January, but I know I was in the process of assembling the center and then making the filler blocks for the edges.

The entire top is pieced by hand, taking approximately 730 hours, and I found my rhythm for quilting in June.  It’s hard to see in the picture, but I have not quite 1/4 of the quilt bound (knife-edge, no binding), and a little less than 1/32 quilted.  At the current rate, I’ll still be quilting this next July, but I’ll be close to the end.  Of course, that’s if I only do one line of quilting in each hexagon, and I’m playing with the idea of quilting through all three axes of each hexagon.  It would be lovely texture, but I’m not sure I’ll still want to keep quilting after another year.

It really is such a lovely quilt.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, July 1, 2024

June Block Count

 How is the year half over?  I’m both relieved and alarmed.  I suspect the second half of the year will not see as many blocks as the first half did.  After all, all my kids will be in school and I will be back to teaching full time in the fall.

This month, I made a ridiculous number of blocks: 288.  269 were blue 16-patches and 19 were flowers.  This brings my 2024 total of blocks up to 994.  Those blue 16-patches appeared to get the best of me until the end of June, when I had more time to sew.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Stash Report Week #26 and 15 Minutes

 I cleared out a project box and put the fabric I’ll never use into the giveaway box, so I get to count 2 yards out.  I did, however, also order an extra wide backing for one of the quilts I’ll be making this year, so I have 3 yards in.  Not quite the direction I want to head, but I really am making progress in the pile of blocks I’ve accumulated!

IN this week: 3 yards
OUT this week: 2 yards

IN YTD: 62 3/4 yards
OUT YTD: 39 1/4 yards
YTD Total: 23 1/2 yards IN

I am steadily quilting my hexagon quilt.  I am breaking needles at an alarming rate, but I am getting into a better rhythm for quilting.  Progress is finally visible, which is always reassuring when I have an enormous project ahead of me.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Stacks of Blocks

I had a ridiculous amount of blue scraps for 16 patches, so my block count this week is a little wild.  This stack is 269 blocks.

Last week, we dyed fabric and tshirts.  It took me a long time to rinse and soak everything this time.  The Assistant wants some curtains in her bedroom at college, so we made some textured red and blue squares.

 I have less turquoise scraps than blue, so next month will be a little less wild!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Catching Up

 Huzzah for block halves! I clearly don’t have as many aqua scraps as red and blue, which means this week I caught up to my self-imposed goa...