Sunday, July 7, 2024

Stash Report Week #27 and 15 Minutes

 My stash report is unchanged this week.  I did finish a spool of thread this week and forgot to report another finished last week (I use one for bobbins and one for the top thread, so they run out about the same time), so I have used up 14 spools of thread so far this year.

I struggled to get my hand quilting in this week, but had the very reasonable excuse of family staying with us.  We were briefly a household of 3 adults and 12 kids!  I did manage 15 minutes a day, but not much more.  That’s okay.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

You definitely had a house full! Keeping up the 15 minutes during that was an achievement!

August Block Count

 I thought I wrote this, but it seems to be lost somewhere or I never wrote it at all… August was a quiet block month, with only 42 16-patch...