Saturday, July 27, 2024

Month End Blocks

It’s been a full week again, as I am trying to wrap up all the odd errands before meetings start (next Friday!).  For those of you that have worked while raising children, my worry probably seems excessive, but that’s how I roll!

My 16 patch blocks were a breeze to pin and sew.  In the end, I have 135 in various aqua shades.  I enjoyed revisiting all the scraps.
Nine flowers are added to the pile in the closet.  At the end of the year, it will be fun to sort these into different quilt tops.  They should be colorful!
It’s a good thing next month’s color is a small collection of scraps.  Despite all the forthcoming chaos, a handful of 16 patches and 3 or 4 flowers may be all I can manage.  If I have time for extra, I’ll keep working on my alphabet quilt and I pulled out my lighter green scraps at some point to start on 16 patches.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


scraphappy said...

I think we all worry about balancing the chaos. I am also working frantically to tie up loose ends. It is nice to feel like we have some control over it all!

Kate said...

It does add a lot of stress and worry to work when you have kiddos. On the bright side, the it does give the kids a chance to take on more responsibility and give a better understanding of how life outside the house works. If it helps, Grad Girl says she's much more self reliant and independent since we both worked as it forced her to problem solve on her own.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your aqua 16 patch blocks are fun to see! I love all the shades. Getting ready for the new school year is a lot of work on all sides - kids, parents, and teachers. Wishing you a good beginning! said...

Those 16 patch blocks are impressive! What a great variety of fabrics you used and those blocks are going to turn into an amazing finish! I hope you have a terrific school year from the very beginning. For me, the first day of school was so sad because my girls were back to a schedule and homework every night. I always missed my playmates! They were always so excited to be back at school!

Sue said...

That's an impressive pile of 16 patch blocks. The quilt will be awesome.

Sara said...

Wow - that is a LOT of 16-patch blocks! Great job!

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...