Saturday, June 29, 2024

Stacks of Blocks

I had a ridiculous amount of blue scraps for 16 patches, so my block count this week is a little wild.  This stack is 269 blocks.

Last week, we dyed fabric and tshirts.  It took me a long time to rinse and soak everything this time.  The Assistant wants some curtains in her bedroom at college, so we made some textured red and blue squares.

 I have less turquoise scraps than blue, so next month will be a little less wild!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Sara said...

Wow - that is a LOT of little blocks! Those hand dyed squares are really fabulous. You got some great texture.

Kate said...

That is a lot of blocks! Hopefully it emptied your scrap bin pretty well.

scraphappy said...

So many blue blocks! Hopefully the turquoise in July will be easier to get a handle on. Blue is just so easy to overdue!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

The hand dyed/tie dyed fabric is luscious. Looks you and your assistant had a great time.

June Block Count

 How is the year half over?  I’m both relieved and alarmed.  I suspect the second half of the year will not see as many blocks as the first ...