Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Stash Report Week #23 and 15 Minutes

 I think I’m finding my groove on quilting the hexagon quilt, so my fifteen minutes a day was easy this past week.

I gave Miss G two yards of fabric to chop in any way she pleases, so I counted that out this week.  I received a roll of extra wide fabric for backings, so I still upended my stash report!  One more spool of thread ran out this week as well.

IN this week: 20 1/2 yards
OUT this week: 2 yards

IN YTD: 43 3/4 yards
OUT YTD: 36 1/4 yards
YTD Total: 7 1/2 yards IN

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z,

1 comment:

Kate said...

Glad you found time to get in a bit of stitching. You still have half of the year to get back to the black on the stash report.

Stash Report Week #25 and 15 Minutes

 I bought fabric from Vicki since she’s closing down her dyeing business.  Since I waited this week to open it, I haven’t counted yet.  It’s...