Thursday, August 9, 2012

UPDATE: Sewing Room

Progress has been made!  Pictures from a few days ago are posted here: Moving!
Since that time, I opened far too many boxes, shook my head at the contents, and wondered where I was going to put it all.  The answer?  A little here, a little there... a little in the garage sale pile.

My sewing machine isn't plugged in yet, but all my yarn is unpacked and sorted by color... for the first time since I opened my business 1+ year ago.  Now, when I get a request for pink, I can see it all at a glance, instead of digging through one box of balls, another for cones, and the other that I took to craft shows to give people color options.  I still have some sorting and tidying, but this is MUCH better.
The under-stairs storage is no longer a multitude of boxes that make me out of breath to move.  Instead, current projects, fabrics in tubs, and some reading inspiration are much easier to access.  There's still a pile of "where do I put this," but it's small.

In our utility room, there are some built-in work tables.  There, I made a tub of future projects, boxed up materials for shipping and shows, clothing fabric, and t-shirts from my sister.  Neatly contained (except for the hexi project that no longer folds into an easily containable size), and out of everyone's way.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

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