Friday, August 22, 2008

Zana's Ninis

Blog post number 1... My daughter calls sewing and quilting "nini-ing" so this is my Nini blog!

I have been quilting for almost 9 years, and sewing for probably 18.

Here's a (poor) picture of my "Celtic Knotwork" quilt that I made for a friend's wedding in 2007-2008.


Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

Kathleen--couldn't reply to your post so I came to your blog to tell you thanks for visiting and you are entered in my drawing. Thanks--M

Lori in South Dakota said...

Love the celtic knot quilt--my favorite types of colors! How big is it?

bingo~bonnie said...

welcome to blog world. ;) love the name too - sounds like your daughter is a big fan and chances are your helper :)

My oldest is 4 years old and loves to play with the buttons while we sew.

I love that quilt you made as a wedding gift!!! So pretty... your eye for color is something most of us are still challenged with! :)

and think... in about a year, we will all be running to your blog for an anniversary give away LOL -thanks for sharing the link with me. :)

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

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