Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Countdowns Begin...

Less than 100 days left until I am a full time stay at home mom again. I just couldn't manage the work load and be 13 weeks pregnant. All-day morning sickness really saps me. Therefore

27 weeks until the baby is born! Approximately 7 weeks until the ultrasound (DH really wants to know if the baby's a boy!).

Just thought you'd like to know.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Alzbeta said...

Yay! I miss you, sissy!

Stash Report Week #19 and 15 Minutes

 Alas, no changes to the stash report.  I did stitch binding onto my New York Beauty quilt this morning, so by the end of the next week, I’l...