Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stash Report Week #30


Saturday night I sewed the last stitches in the binding of my Pioneer Braid (pattern inspiration at by Bonnie Hunter). These 8 1/2 yards are a welcome finish, as the scraps used for the top had lingered for too long in my scrap bags. With moving looming in the near future, I was ready to reduce the scrap bags. The backing fabric I had other plans for, but it seemed to fit so well as the backing that I had to give up my other ideas. In addition, I've now completed using my box of uglies that I had intended to use by year's end!

I also received a yard of gorgeous green batik from my best friend after her trip to Minnesota. I don't know what I'll do with it, but I will dream about it!

IN this week: 1 yard
IN YTD: 104 1/2 yards

OUT this week: 8 1/2 yards
OUT YTD: 149 yards

YTD Total: 44 1/2 yards OUT

I might still reach 50 yards out before another month passes... I hope to make two bonnets this week and quilt the scrap triangles from my Star Struck (a la Bonnie Hunter). This may be challenged as I have no sewing room still. The dining room remains a crowded disaster, but DH has worked like a trooper to sand, stain, and polyurethane the floors this week. We are also trying to finish painting before we move all the furniture back in. I also need some sleep (lots of it, in fact).

Check out the other stash reports (most of them have better pictures than mine!) at Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Not Much...

I'm exhausted. We've had a few late nights with guests and going out, and Q is nursing all night. Oops.

Despite the disasters all over, I am slowly working on my handquilting and hope to finish it in the next two days. Then I will need to find some fabric for binding! I can't reach the bins right now, but maybe by Saturday.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Stash Report Week #29

Forward progress! Nuggette's curtain-quilt is complete for 4 1/2 yards out. It was a quilt-as-you-go type, with each piece being an experiment in free-motion quilting. It turned out pretty well, all things considered. I like it.
Please excuse the wacky formatting. I don't know why blogger is being difficult, but there are way too many spaces that I didn't put in here.

But then there's my sewing room, which is now an echoing, vacant chamber. In this picture, I've shoved all the furniture to the center to prepare for painting. DH is sanding and refinishing the wood floors. Then we'll finish the painting... then my sewing room will be merged with DH's office so Q can have his own room and the toys can move out of the living room. Oh, my, is all I can say. Oh, my.

My pioneer braid quilt is over half quilted, but I didn't get much work done on it this week. I spent Monday picking potatoes and peaches (and by a gift, 6 dozen "farm fresh" eggs). Tuesday was spent canning: peaches, peach jam, peach butter, and peach salsa. Wednesday was watching the kids and keeping them inside so DH could paint (and weeding, and sorting potatoes, etc.). Friday was moving furniture and stepping on a staple (straight into my bare foot. Don't walk up and down stairs that have recently had carpet pulled up in bare feet. My foot still hurts - but I had a tetanus booster when Q was born.).

Here's all the fabric I've bought in the last few months. I'm missing one of the
Assistant's pieces as she already chopped it to bits. The red in the center is for my older sister's music quilt. It will be a while before I get to that quilt, however, but at least I know what I want to do for it. Most of them have a direct purpose: music quilt, Screamer's quilt (red), the hexagon quilt, or my "Peaches and Dreams" quilt. The only two pieces that don't have a particular purpose were gifts.

The half-square triangle quilt top is awaiting basting, but the backing, pins, and batting are currently in one of the boxes filling my dining room. Sigh. (Update: I found the pins, etc., so now it will be just waiting for the two youngest to be asleep so I can pin in peace.)

There should be some beautiful floors upstairs by next week!
Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 103 1/2 yards

OUT this week: 4 1/2 yards
OUT YTD: 140 1/2 yards

YTD total: 37 yards OUT

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stash Report Week #28

3 yards in (I think) due to some fabulous red music fabric for my dear older sister. We were in Kansas City, so I had to buy something! I'm going backwards, but did work on Nuggette's window quilt!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Walking Foot

I love my walking foot.

This is post 201!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Stash Report Week #27

Training ended Thursday, but the house is still not completely painted, so I may or may not get some quilting done in the coming week. This week there wasn't much!

To celebrate graduating, I bought 5 fat quarters from a quilt shop near my training. Two were light blue snowflake fabrics, of course a pink for the Assistant, red for the Screamer, and a piece of music fabric for my lovely older sister. That night, I bought 3 yards of lavender heart fabric to make a quilt/curtain for Nuggette.

I managed to scrape together a scrappy backing for my triangle top (there is no camera cord or pictures today as we finished tearing up the carpet in the office. I'm lucky there's internet!). I also started hand quilting my pioneer braid. All in good time.

IN this week: 4 1/4 yards
IN YTD: 100 1/2 yards

OUT this week: 0 yards
OUT YTD: 136 yards

YTD Total: 35 1/2 yards OUT!

Check out the other reports at Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...