Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Day (or Afternoon) at the Fair

Dollar Day at the Kansas State Fair meant a "quick" trip after school.  Unfortunately, we almost had to cancel due to some vehicle title issues (another post, maybe, another time!), but decided we should push on, as our upcoming weekend was packed, and we didn't want to miss the fair.

I think, given how many of us there are, we are going to have to try to go on Dollar Day every year.  It was only $3 for all of us to get in, and ride on the midway were only 1 ticket, or $1.25 a piece, instead of 3 or 4 (or more!) tickets.  Also, the people congestion was much lower than on the weekend.

First stop was the train.  Q would have been very put out not to ride it, as he loves all things train.  DH is trying to get him to smile, but he's so confused!

DH was tiller shopping, so we visited all the giant combines and tractors too.

Last year, we snapped a photo of the Screamer in another tire (HERE).

Everyone else ended the evening with a ride on the ferris wheel.  I just watched, as the wheel was plastered with warnings about pregnant women not riding, and I don't do ferris wheels on the best days!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Alzbeta said...

I absolutely love all the fun pictures! You guys are the best!

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