Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Yellow, Unveiled

Remember my obscure pictures from last weekend?  Look at what I whipped out!

These are for my niece, Lettie, whose sister also has her own letters.  The picture is a tad more orange than reality, but when I adjust color settings, I usually make matters worse.

Every time I make these letters, I dread the process of cutting the stiff interfacing and zigzagging around, but this time, they were a breeze.  I must be finally getting these down to a science!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Yellow... the End

Not much yellow to work with.  Can you imagine what these might become?

And this is all that remains.

Hopefully I will be done next week, and you can see!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Scrappy Woven

Jess Kelly of SewCraftyJess posted a lovely "woven" quilt in the Moda Bakeshop called Simply Woven.  After seeing it, I knew I wanted to tackle the quilt, although perhaps not so large as the original directions.

My own spin was made in blues and greens with a white for the background.  All the strips were scraps (even the backing!) as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Finishing at 48" x 72", it should fit comfortably on a child's bed without being too ungainly to make their bed.  Too often, I see my girls wrestle with the excess of their quilt.  Hopefully (since I don't have a recipient in mind yet), this will be the perfect quilt.

I broke into some of my treasured (hoarded?) star fabrics for the backing, which, of course, created more blue scraps.  No wonder they never go away!

I do regret that, in the third cut of this sew-and-slice quilt, I cut the wrong part of the block.  Therefore, I have less "weave" to my "woven" than the original.  It's still lovely, and it's still done!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Yellow Submarine

I've finally gotten some sewing time.  I refilled my bobbins last week, never sewed, and now I need them empty to make curtains for a friend-customer.  Ai!  Sew, I've been churning out blocks in an effort to use up at least one bobbin.  Two would be even better!

I'm out of yellow spools, so it's back to blue for me!

Here are all of my 9s and 6s blocks, including orange from a few months ago.  I'm still not sure about the lighter yellows, but maybe once I have enough blocks, I can spread them out a little.

My 2" square block has been done, but I think I forgot to photograph it, so here it is.  I never made a blue one, as I am waiting to see what 2" squares are left after I work on the Irish Chain quilt.  As that won't be happening any time soon, the blue block will just have to wait!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mystery Medallion

Look who put himself to sleep (an unheard-of activity from Bear Cub Q) willingly and in his own bed!

And look at my mystery quilt.  It's gorgeous just as is!  I am enjoying this so much, both the pattern and the fabrics.  I'm also learning what sewing skills need improvement in my life!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I've Got Sunshine...

... on a cloudy day.

I would love to be working more with my sunshine-y yellow blocks, but it is BUSY around here.  (You can read about some of our exploits on my other blog).  It's a good thing my yellow scraps are scant, as it may still be as difficult as finding hen's teeth to use them up!

I've sewn up almost all of my yellow spools (and one blue left from last month).  I'm beginning to think I should lay out all these crazy spools together, but with six months to go, there's probably no need.
My 9s and 6s blocks are coming along nicely.  I'm still not sure about some of the pale yellow, but once I add the already finished orange blocks as well as future red and brown blocks, we'll see if it all plays nicely together.
Maybe I can sneak in a little sewing today, but I doubt it.  We have a wedding and a quilt meeting to attend!

Check out the other lovely yellow projects as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sampler Update

The blocks are coming along splendiferously!
Cutting most of them ahead of time truly is the key for my productivity.  I am enjoying the variety more.

The only snag I have hit is this:
Someone (JoJo) is mobile.  Can you see that belly clearing the ground?  At almost five months, he has rammed his head into furniture, propelled himself into corners, chased beach balls, and discovered my cut-block-stash under the coffee table.  I guess I'll be moving all that!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mellow Yellow

I didn't finish all my blue spools last month!  The month certainly escaped me, with end of school insanity as well as a family trip.
It's a good thing I have fewer yellow scraps, as the animals and garden keep me outside during my usual sewing time.  I started the sorting with this pile as well as my 2" strips and squares.
I ended the sorting with all the 2.5" cut into squares and bricks for my daughters to make a quilt this summer.  We started yesterday... God give me patience!  I haven't decided what I'll do with the leftovers.  It might become a placemat for my niece, as her mommy loves yellow!
There are fewer yellow spools to stitch up, so I should have no problem accomplishing that.  My 2" 36-patch is already waiting to be ironed, and my 9s and 6s blocks are kitted up for sewing.

Here's to a cheery month!  (Check out other yellow projects as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2013.)

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...