Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Interrupted

I have a whole lotta nothing to show today.  This week, we had painters in the house for two days, and my time was consumed by keeping the "babies" out of the paint.

I also made a strategically bad decision to work on quilting a Tshirt.  I falsely assumed that, since I'd never had lower back problems after quilting a quilt, doing so now would be fine.  Oh, no.  No, no, no.  By the end of the day I could scarcely walk, and DH has had to do all the chicken chores.  Finally I'm dramatically better, but I managed not a single twinkler star this week.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry to hear that painters and a backache kept you from your GREEN scrap sewing this week. Better luck next week!!

Nell's Quilts said...

Hope you're feeling up to some green challenges next week.

Kate said...

Sounds like one of those weeks. Hope you back is much, much better and you get a chance to get in some fun stitching time this weekend.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's so frustrating when life gets in the way of our favorite activities! Glad your back is better, and hoping your household is getting back to normal after the painting.

Julierose said...

Oh so sorry about your back--I do know how that goes ;--0000
--it is so annoying (and painful!!) hope the painters are done and you can feel rested up and get back (hah--no pun intended here at all!!) to your sewing....
hugs and feel better soon Julierose

gayle said...

Hoping things are getting back to normal soon, and that the back pain is gone forever!

LA Paylor said...

once again I'm reminded that quilting is very dangerous

Pamela Arbour said...

So glad to hear you are getting better. I don't guess I need to tell you to try not to do too much of anything at once. The back can be so tricky at times.

Chantal said...

Oh! No! Sorry to hear about your back pain. You take care of yourself because the hardware store doesn't keep back parts. I know because I've checked many times. Now the painters are gone, the house must look nice, no? Think positive and things will look up. The pieced blocks can always wait for another day. Take care. ;^)

Vicki W said...

Oh gosh, I hope your back is better too. I think TShirt quilts always cause a pain somewhere!

Magpie Sue said...

Rest, rest, rest! Your body needs rest to heal. I know this will be hard for you but trust me, you'll feel better sooner and stay better longer if you take the time to take care of yourself now. Having said that, I realize you have young children and resting is hard to accomplish. Do the best you can, it will pay off in the long run.

End of Year…

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