Friday, September 19, 2008

Crocheting and Play-Doh

Why is it that Play-Doh ends up everywhere no matter how hard you try to keep it on the table? At least I find it when it's dry, so it's easy to clean. The assistant recently discovered the joys of this malleable clay but doesn't like the "snakes" it makes coming out of the dough machine. Usually she likes snakes, even real ones!

I finished 2 more aprons this week but am unhappy with the new pattern I tried. Hopefully I can find a way to fix it. I have 2 more adult aprons & 3 baby aprons left.

Currently, I'm trying to finish a crocheted blanket I started for DD2 when she was born, six months ago. I'm adding a cool border to it, and will post pictures when I finish!

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