Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My 2nd Quilt

This is the second quilt I ever made. The first might be too awful to display (and I don't have a picture of it anyhow!). This quilt is a bowtie pattern, 9 blocks x 11 blocks, slightly too short to be called a proper twin, but it was for me to take to college. I made it from scraps leftover from clothes-making and from remnants I bought at Hobby Lobby. It has no batting and very little quilting. Eek! I thought about it today as I was working on the tree skirt...

That led me to think about the tolerate-hate (as opposed to "love-hate") relationship I have with my sewing machine. It is a Singer 6211 I inherited when my step-grandmother died. On a good day, my machine and I can get our business done. That is, if I don't sew for too long (it overheats) and frequently check the needle screw (or the needle falls out). My regular foot now falls off any time I try to use it, so I have a plastic food made for ??? and I use it. It might be close to a 1/4", but I wouldn't bet a seam on it. On a bad day, I hate my machine - the tension is awful, it can't do any fancy sewing (woohoo - I did a wide zigzag!), and the pedal burns my foot if I sew too long. I can't afford a new machine. Grr. Today I had to stop quilting because the machine was overheating. Oh, and I do get it cleaned occasionally, but that's 'spensive too!

My assistant is sick and just says "hold me," so that's what I'm doing!

1 comment:

Lori in South Dakota said...

Wish you lived close to me, I collect and work on old sewing machines, I have about 25 and I am sure I could find one for you CHEAP! LOL--my husband often attends auctions and will bring me home a "treasure". Last time it was a great Singer 15 in an antiqued green cabinet. He bought it for me simply because I love green. $20. And a 15 makes a GREAT quilting machine. I have an older (1949?) Singer 201 that I use most the time, and a Singer featherweight (1938) I use when I'm gone from home. Nothing beats one of these older ladies for a great straight stitch!

PS--the best thing--you can clean and work on them yourself!! They rarely have anything go wrong, and I know I will not be able to wear out the ones I am sewing on now.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...