Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stash Report Week #45

Nothing in, nothing out...

Busy week, having a sonogram, interviewing someone to take my position at work, preparing for work most of the weekend, working outside while the weather is glorious (there are still some tomato plants to chop for the compost!), and not as much sewing as I would like.

I realized I need to make/finish 7 baby quilts and 1 toddler quilt before April. Good thing I'm started on 3 and picked patterns for several of the others. I should get some good busts in.

We found out we're having a boy. I'll have to come up with a name for him - let's call him Q for now (my DH and sister will get the joke). Q is going to get a blue and white quilt from a nine-patch swap I did on the HGTV boards with Bingo~bonnie. It was my first swap and lovely fun.

I examined my purchases from the year and discovered over half were attributable to DH, the Assistant, or special purchases for a family project (wedding gift DH and I both gave, curtains for the house, etc.), so that really brings down the total of MY purchases to less than 85 yards. Still too much for my budget, probably, but with a new baby next spring, who knows what I'll have the ability to purchase!

Now to get ready for work.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


shenyon said...

Please don't put those tomato plants in your compost pile. You'll perpetuate any diseases that the tomato plants have. It's the one plant that when I worked as a Master Garden, we said burn or put in the trash. Best Regards...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on Q.... and good luck in getting all of those quilts done.


Vicky said...

Congrats on Baby Q! A lot of quilts to make, but you can do it!

Lori in South Dakota said...

Aren't the new tests they do now while you're pregnant fun? You can "see" what your baby looks like long before birth. My daughter called her baby the "alien doing aerobics" as the pictures looked rather strange, and he was always jumping around and waving his arms and legs. Sounds like you have lots of help when you shop!

Donna said...

Congrats on the new baby! Good luck with all the quilts. I have a baby quilt to make too, by February.

End of Year…

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