Saturday, September 18, 2010

Stash Report Week #38

0 in... fabric out, but nothing I can count. This week, I actually finished 3 quilt blocks (3 left, then it's layout time!). I also sewed prayer table cloths (4 yards), took 2 yards of yellow to our atrium at school, and made some miniature vestments of the priest. All told, I sewed up at least 7 yards of fabric, but since it was never counted in, I can't count it out.

The cassock is nearly finished. After a hem and some button holes, I will be able to count 7+ yards out! I will finally have a finish. It's a good thing, too, because there is a quilt shop hop coming up, and DH owes me...

It's hard to believe there are only 14 weeks left to the year.

This week, I also cleaned my sunflowers so all the seeds are sorted and ready to roast. I also cleaned my ears of corn for cornmeal, and I'm excited to make my own blue cornmeal! I cooked up a pot of beans and froze them for chili and enchiladas later in the fall, plus made a batch of homemade, whole wheat cinnamon rolls. Those were definitely better fresh and not day old.

I also volunteered at the Assistant's school four times. DH teaches a college class Wednesday nights, so, needless to say, we don't see much of him some days. This week, however, we seemed to manage better than the last few weeks. I'm still ready for cross country to be over (DH is a coach, too).

Now, if only I could get some SLEEP! Anybody out there a baby-whisperer who can talk to my three kids about letting mommy sleep for at least 3 hours in a row????

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog. Thank you for stopping by even if you don't comment (but I do so love comments too!)

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Lori said...

since baby Q decided to wean himself, I voluteer to babysit overnight. Course, the commute is rather big!

Kate said...

There really isn't only 14 more weeks left in this year is there? How does that happen?

I wish I had some advice on the kids sleeping. We have only one 11 year old. We are still dealing with nightmares and middle of the night requests to come sleep with her. Though I can report that the frequency is much lower than it used to be, weekly rather than nightly! Good luck.

Charlene S said...

Since I don't sleep more than 3 hours in a row, help isn't coming from me. I learned to sleep this way from my 4 children and never broke the habit. Hopefully, your body will adjust to broken sleep as mine did.

oscynquilts said...

I don't have any sound advice to offer since it's been 18 years since I had to deal with little ones. I just wanted to say, You are doing amazingly great! I'm in awe of all you accomplish with the sewing, cooking and childcare. Hopefully your hubby can repay his debt with some babysitting time.

PS. thank you for your visit and comments, very much appreciated.


Barb in Mi said...

You sure sound liek super mom to me! I don't know how you do it - sending sleepy dreams to your kids - hope they give you a break!

SpinningStar said...

There are some herbs which aid in relaxing as well as sleeping (dream pillows, filled with specific herbs, depending what type of dreams you want).

Do some research on herbal remedies that can calm your kids at nighttime - didn't some baby company put out lotion with lavender?

Or the reverse, check to make sure you don't have scents that are invigorating them at the wrong time!!! I once went to a herb garden and came out ready to jump out of my skin - I don't know if I was bitten by something or brushed up against something but I had a significant reaction.

With kids, be aware of the dosage/exposure issue. But, you may find some soothing smell, tea, somthing that works with your kids or you!


End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...