Saturday, September 25, 2010

Stash Report Week #39

I started my shop hop extravaganza a week early, and I was bad.  Very, very bad.
DH says it looks like a ghost.
On the other hand, I did finish my practice cassock.  Since I lost a pattern piece and had to cut  sleeves twice, I used 7 1/4 yards of fabric.

First, the numbers:
IN this week: 14 3/4 yards
IN YTD: 121 yards

OUT this week: 7 1/4 yards yards
OUT YTD: 163 1/4 yards

YTD Total: 42 1/4 yards OUT

So I'm behind in my goal again for the year, but I'm enjoying every minute of it!
Naughty, naughty!

What can I say?  I had a gift card for JoAnn's that I've been nursing along since Mother's Day.  When my mom was putting away my placemats, she asked if I had made them.  (Of course!)  She said it would be fun to have a set someday...  How can I turn down my mom?  I'm going to make a placemat for every family member (there are 19 of us now!) out of frabric I'm used for quilts for them, and then make the backings and bindings all the same.  I don't have that large a piece of fabric for  the backing, so I needed to go shopping, just so I'm ready when I have time (HAHAHA!).  8 yards of tan vines, very neutral, very nice.  2 1/2 yards black Kona solid for the binding, which will match with everything.

Then, I've decided to collect fabrics for a quilt for the Screamer.  I was going to go with red and cream, but saw a picture of a red and aqua quilt and said, "Eureka!"  My aquas were mostly used up to make baby Nuggette a quilt, so I bought 3 1/4 yard pieces.  Then there are the obligatory pinks for the girls.  Why pink? What universal rule says a mom who would never be caught dead buying pink must have an oldest girl who LOVES pink?  Really?  Can we renegotiate that rule?

I also bought a beautiful yard of purple solid.  It's so rich and wonderful.  I don't know what I'll do with it, but I love it!  $.99 patterns followed me home for aprons (I'm a sucker for long, flowing aprons to cover my skirts), gloves, and a christening gown.  Maybe the next baby in the family will get a hand-made gown from Aunt Katie (when there is a next baby...).  There were also 8 or 9 spools of thread for $1.29 each (1/2 off).

Finally, I'm done with the blocks for my Royal People quilt (fabric courtesy of Lori).  When I laid them out, they just needed something more... so I bought a yard each of two different browns for a kind of sashing... pictures next week or so will make more sense.

But you see, it's all okay because I only spent $14.01 of my own money.  Doesn't that count for something?

Next week, I'm taking the Assistant on a school field trip to the farm, and then it's Quilt Shop Hop time for me... but I won't be able to be as efficient in my prices, so I'll probably have to be more selective.

Be sure to check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.  (Excise the funky spacing.  I don't know what I did!)

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Did you see the Scarecrow button on my sidebar?  I'll be having a giveaway on October 1.  It's going to include some music fabric!


Tamera said...

If you're having fun, that's ALL that counts, lol.

Plus, sounds like you have a use for most, if not all, of the fabric you bought.

I think part of the stashbusting reporting is making us more mindful of the fabric that we do buy.

Charlene S said...

The pink rule does not apply with my 4 girls. Change it to purple or green and every one likes it

End of Year…

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