Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stash Report Week #36 and Kiddy News

Worked on the cassock, but as I never had the Assistant at school and both other children napping all at once for more than 20 minutes this week, it is slow going.

I bought more fabric, but since it is not for me, I haven't decided if I'm going to count it or not.

In the winter, when everyone sleeps more, maybe I will get a chance to work on a quilt for a while. (Of course, I'm still dreaming of the day when I can take a bath or use the toilet without spectators and/or screaming.) BUT, lest you think I am in a hurry for my children to grow up: I AM NOT!

The Assistant brought home her first artwork from school: a self-made Mrs. Potato head. She cut out the potato shape herself! She sings strange songs now, and I saw her having a blast running with the other preschoolers on the playground. She's still too little to walk all the way home, though, so she hasn't outgrown her need for me yet! (She proved that again tonight [Saturday] when, after an exhausting afternoon at the land and a visit from my sister-in-law and kids, she laid in my bed crying, as I tried to bathe, "I just want to be with my mommy all day."

The Screamer can put her #2 on the potty when she remembers and likes to go #1 only if she hears sissy say, "I need to go potty." Or anyone else for the matter - Mommy, Daddy, Grammie, Aunt Tinie, you name it! She likes to imitate and echo, and definitely still earns her nickname, although it's lots of crying and yelling right now too. Her current favorite phrase is, "Go 'way." That's directed at bugs, visitors who have stayed past bed/nap time, and Mommy when Mommy tells her no.

The Bear Cub Q can almost crawl. He has also scared himself several times trying to sit up and instead flipping himself over. This boy is a force to be reckoned with: he is 18 1/2 pounds at 4 months, has two razor sharp teeth, and lightning quick hands when a sister's hair is within reach. If only he would sleep through the night like his cousin Nuggette... but I wouldn't sleep through the night because I would be so surprised, so I guess I don't really need to wish for that.

Screamer is trying to fall asleep in my arms, so that must be my reminder to sign off.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Tamera said...

I don't think you should count it if it's not going into your stash, but that's just my opinion, lol.

Sounds like you're having a busy week.

SpinningStar said...

You've been busy with the kiddos - but enjoy them, even at the screaming stage! Quilting time will come soon enough.

Lori said...

You'll be able to get all the kids to sleep at the same time soon. Q sounds like he is getting big enough to start to sleep thru the night for you. Of course when that happens, you'll have more energy in the day.

End of Year…

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