Saturday, December 15, 2012

25 Days and Counting

Where did the time go?  I only recently realized I'd hit the "less than a month" mark in the pregnancy.  Of course, if JoJo is overdue like his siblings, we may be at the 32 day mark.  Either way, the days are slipping away.

It's a good thing too, in some selfish ways... I can't get socks and shoes on very well.  I see myself in the mirror and am ever surprised at just how far my belly sticks out.  I've had contractions on and off since 18 weeks.  I'm running out of clothes that fit!  Still, I have no interest in struggling to be the parent of a preemie, so I'll waddle along for a few more weeks with gratitude.

Today, with our pleasantly warm weather, DH and I kept busy.  First, Bear Cub Q had a long-overdue haircut.  The hair on the back of his head was tangling where it rubbed on the pillow at night, and no matter how often I brushed it, it became a hairstyle from an anime film within minutes. He was far from happy with the procedure, but submitted under duress and coaxing.

I ran three loads of laundry, hanging up two to help with humidity in the house.

DH went to Lowe's to price insulation, etc., for the loft of our "barn."  Meanwhile, the chilluns and I braved Toys'r'Us.  What was I thinking?  Anyway, we had a few toys to return, and I had hoped to snag a new, not-so-feminine diaper bag.  However, the average cost was $50.  No, thank you.  I don't need it that badly.  Instead, Percy the train, a movie, and construction paper followed us home.  The kids were very obedient, which made the insanity of the store so much easier to bear!

On returning home, I baked four loaves of bread and a double batch of chocolate chocolate chip muffins.  I had intended to make some toaster pastries too, but frozen butter and a tired back stopped me.

Next up came the installation of blinds.  When we moved in, the previous owners took half the window treatments and left wretchedly installed curtains in a few rooms.  No blinds.  We opted for blackout blinds in the bedrooms, and our bathroom, whose window looked out onto the deck, had nothing.  It was time for the tacked up curtain to go.  Half of our blinds arrived yesterday, so DH and I worked out a system for hanging (preferably not backwards and upsidedown... Oops).  They are all up and splendiferously dark.  Now we wait for the blinds for the kids' rooms and dining room.

I think I might be nesting.  What say you?
Good night, baby-no-longer!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

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