Wednesday, July 17, 2013


After 7+ months of spooling along, I finally have a reason to lay them out and ponder their use.  (Ignore any blocks turned the wrong way, as this is only tentative).  I have over 200 finished but will still need 15 more red to finish the top.  There's a stack of 25 blocks that don't have a home in this quilt, and a few more kitted up, but they will all find a home somewhere!
Check out other spool quilts at Quiltville.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Vicki W said...

That's going to be a cool quilt!

Andee said...

It looks great so far!

Helen in the UK said...

Love the way you've grouped the colours. This is coming along very nicely :)

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

VERY pretty!! And that's over 200 more than I have - ;))

Quilter Kathy said...

A really fun layout idea!

Aileen said...

Love the layout!

Kate said...

Love your spools. It's going to be a fun and colorful quilt when you get it all done.

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