Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Whatever color we SHOULD be working with, here's the scraps I'm working with!

First, I sorted out the blue scraps that were too small for my current methods of saving.  These are going in the trash!
Next, I have a lovely binding prepped for my blue Irish chain, all teal/turquoise/lovely goodness!
 Finally, here's what remains.  It might become letters for a special daughter.  There are plenty of 2" squares to sew up for the Irish chain (if I finish the customer's curtains in a timely manner!).

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Deb A said...

Pretty fabrics! Hope you got the curtains done so you could sew for you.

Sarah said...

Very pretty fabrics.

Sheila said...

Such beautiful fabrics. Teal, aqua, turquoise, all beautiful shades of blue.

Stash Report Week #18 and 15 Minutes

 I missed a day on my hexagons!  For the first time in almost 18 months, I missed a day.  I stitched extra yesterday, so it will all be fine...