Friday, September 5, 2014

September Goals

First, the August wrap-up.

1.  Tell it to the Stars month 8: This turned out to be a quick step, despite looking challenging and requiring plenty of trimming and ironing.

2.  Finish the commissioned quilt for my SiL.  I might have been a little crazy to push the quilt this hard, but I don't like business hanging over my head when I want to sew for pleasure.  The quilt went in the wash this morning in preparation for delivery this weekend.  I always wait to wash as JoJo likes to touch quilts with Nutella-covered hands.  That's my boy!

3.  Finish the tree skirt.  Also done.  This is for my younger sister, and was started as part of the HSTeria quilt along that Vicki Welsh hosted.  I finished this before #2 to try out a quilting idea.  The idea worked for this quilt, since it was smaller, but I decided it wouldn't turn out as I imagined for the queen-sized quilt.  No worries, though, as they are both done!

4. Scraps in light and bright green:  I already cut all my greens in the previous green month as well as completed an extra lime green row for my row quilt back then, so this month I only needed my sampler blocks and Carrie Nation blocks.  Not only did I complete those blocks, but I also worked up a blue-grey row for the row quilt and completed 42 9s and 6s blocks that were lingering from July's red scraps.  The bonus to finishing the 9s and 6s blocks is that I now have enough completed for a quilt!

5.  If life had been calm, the last goal was to quilt Back to Square One, my Judy Laquidara mystery from last year.  Didn't happen.

September's goals:
1.  Tell it to the Stars step 9.  September and October are assembling the main part of the flimsy.  I think I will try to fully assemble this month, since October is baby month!

2.  Orange scraps.  Sampler blocks, Carrie Nation blocks and top, row for the row quilt, and layout my 9s and 6s blocks, since they include orange.

3.  Finally get back to the DWR quilt, in which the hand quilting stalled out early this summer.

4.  Finish Back to Square One.  It's a Christmas gift, or may turn into a birthday gift for my best friend if I finish by her birthday this month!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

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