Saturday, August 29, 2015

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: This and That

True facts: I function best on 8+ hours of sleep.  I have not slept through the night in over 10 years.  I will find a way to manage JoJo's 1 am awake spells and his 4 am wake ups.  Somehow, I'm of the opinion that it should include trains or magnets for him and hand sewing and hot chocolate for me.  F course, when I'm in the throes of it, I just want to lay in bed and hope he won't wander.  Ooh... Another true fact: Friday I learned he can operate the microwave, immediately leading to its smoky and smelly demise.  Fortunately, other than the additional loss of a timer, we are all well.  I need to find a way to cover the buttons on the stove.

Anyway, this was the first full week of school, and the three of us at home really enjoyed the more relaxed routine. I made myself a list of 19 chores beyond the daily stuff and told myself that was enough for the week.  I still am fighting the poison ivy (almost four weeks in), JoJo needs calm, and I can only do so much with a walking Miss G wanting attention.  I managed to finish all my chores and rewarded myself with some sewing here and there.

My Scraps to Treasures quilt is basted and ready to quilt.  Ooh, I'm so nervous about that one!

I finished a total of 43 Bits and Bobs blocks for the month.  I cut more 1" pieces for the nine-patches and know I have more than I can finish this year, which is fine.  Who said this quilt would be done this year?  Not me!  I kinda want to keep this quilt for myself, but maybe not.  I'm still undecided.

While not in indigo, black, or grey, I made great progress on the Assistant's scrappy Irish Chain blocks. They are all sewn into pairs, and some into four patches.  She's been choosing mates and I've been pinning and stitching.  I think she'll be amazed at how quickly the top comes together from here.  I'm agonizing over the backing, as I don't have a single piece in enough yardage, but it's for an in-law who may not "get" a scrappy backing.  I really wanted to maintain my fabric fast, but I don't want to be cheap.

Next month should be fairly quiet, so I'll knock out my Scraps to Treasures quilt and the Irish Chain quilt.  Then it's on to a quilt for my grandpa, all from stash and scraps, that needs to be done by Christmas!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Be sure to check out all the indigo (and not-so-indigo) projects.


The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh! The calmer days when the "big kids" are at school... sounds like you are managing to get WAY more accomplished than I did this week. Good luck with the quilting of your quilt AND the Assistant's in the coming month!! Looking forward to seeing them both done.

gayle said...

Love your bits and bobs! Tiny patchwork always wins my heart.
Good luck with the to-do list. And the sleeping.

PaulaB quilts said...

The tiny nines do wonders for the top, they are definitely worth the effort. Looking good!

Cathy said...

I had a little one like JoJo. It's amazing how you can function let alone get so much done each week.

Chamomile or fennel tea in small doses before bed seemed to calm my little version of JoJo (sometimes). Now at 31 years he still does not require much sleep!

Kate said...

I was hoping that JoJo's sleep/wake cycle was getting closer to yours. Hopefully you are seeing some improvements in that over time. Glad you are getting some stitching time in, even if it's just a bit here and there. It is strange when all the kids aren't around isn't it. I have just the one, but when she's not here it feels like something is missing.

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

oh it is so hard not to get enough sleep..I remember those days when my kids were little or even just a few years ago when my little grandson would be here overnight and wake up every few hours, ugh.

Your project is lovely!! It's nice to have something beautiful to work on no matter what else is going on...

Angie said...

Bits and Bobs is looking wonderful! Sometimes fabric therapy is what holds us all together.

Nell's Quilts said...

I'm with you on 8 hours of sleep. Don't function too well with less. Hopefully the nightly wake ups will diminish soon. Great quilting blocks completed this week. Love the spark of yellow!

Magpie Sue said...

I'm wishing you a full night's rest before you drop from exhaustion. Maybe you need to hire a night minder for JoJo? ;- )

Deb A said...

I just read back a bunch of posts - yikes on the poison ivy but glad JoJo is not bothered by it. I hope you start getting some more sleep. When mine were little I got Saturday night/Sunday morning without kid duty and it really helped to have one full night of sleep. We also found a microwave that had a child proof lock on it - a setting with code so the kids couldn't make it start. It sounds like you are finding some help with JoJo's diagnosis. You are doing a great job and sound like an amazing Mom!
Sewing is my sanity time too - such lovely projects you have going on. I can't find the different blocks in your brothers quilt - it came out great.

scraphappy said...

I'm so with you on the sleep. I was always up with my kids when they were little, but as soon as they got old enough, I put my husband in charge so that I could sleep all night. Still loving the bits and bobs, they could keep going a very long time.

scraphappy said...

Pieced backings can also be called two sided quilts for those who don't get thrifty.

sunny said...

Love all your colorful blocks! I do a lot of scrappy/pieced backings, but I do wonder if the recipient "gets it". :-)

Sheila said...

10 years is a long time without a good night's sleep. Hopefully things will change when JoJo is older.
Love your cute little blocks.
You could piece the backing and call it a two sided quilt. When you give the quilt, call it a "Two Sided Quilt".

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...