Saturday, November 7, 2015

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Lean, Green, Fighting Machine

My 16-patches are now at an end.  I needed one last turquoise, so it was whipped up after the greens' photo shoot.  I'm excited to see the quilt come together in December.

In the meantime, I've been fighting through the triangles.  My cutting is clearly still too haphazard, as the thought of cutting 32 triangles for each of 48 blocks impelled me to haste.  Still, I finished 24 more blocks, so there are 12 to finish next week.  That leads me to believe that it will be possible to finish this quilt in November and have time for a few customers' requests before Christmas.  I'm quite happy to see the blocks working out, since I've never made these blocks before and only planned the quilt on paper..

It's funny that I spent the entire week sewing set after set of triangles, interspersed mainly with mending, and I don't feel particularly accomplished.  I think only making two check marks on my to-do list is much less satisfying than four or five.  Next week will be more triangles accompanied by cutting a new quilt for next year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
Miss G has been learning to lick the beaters

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Check out all the other green projects this week!


scraphappy said...

Some projects take longer to check off the list than others, but making any progress at all is a blessing when life gets busy.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Darling beater-licking photo! Congrats on the stitching progress, too.

Nell's Quilts said...

Considering how busy your life is two checks is wonderful. Great progress on the blocks in your photos.

gayle said...

You just need to cheat a little on your to-do list:

1. Sew together 2 sets of triangles.
2. Sew together 2 more sets of triangles.
3. Sew together a couple more sets of triangles.

See? Lots of things to check off...

Julierose said...

Oh Phew--so glad to hear someone else is triangle (or any angle really!!) challenged!! Misery loves company, I guess, lol....but yours look so GOOD--and mine always are lopsided and never quite fit together Ack!! this is why i have been on squares (square one hahaha) for so long....hugs, Julierose

Jennifer said...

I love the lime and aqua together, so cool looking. I can't stand triangles too much, either. that's why I love squares so much- we can still play with color and fabric, but not so tedious!

Kate said...

Love all your green blocks. It's going to be a colorful quilt, looking forward to seeing it all come together.

Too bad you can't do all those triangles as leaders and enders. It breaks up the monotony but it does take a while to build up a pile.

Deb A said...

I tend to break down the big tasks into smaller tasks - something about checking things off just makes me feel happy! It looks like you got a lot done - especially with the littles running around. She is adorable. Hope everyone is getting enough sleep at night. We are finally back into a routine after the time change. I really wish we did not have to turn the clocks back and forward - terrible time with kids.

Cathy said...

Two check marks are better than none!

My, what big eyes she has! Lucky Miss G to get the beater all for herself!

LA Paylor said...

I'm reading these on my ipad and your bears paw with shades of tan backgrounds is striking

The Joyful Quilter said...

Those aqua and lime 16-Patch blocks look SEW pretty!!! Keep working at that list and try not to get discouraged. You are getting TONS accomplished.

Marly said...

Those bear paw blocks are lovely; the different background fabrics make them jump to life. I like the diagonal arrangement too.

Sheila said...

Love your blocks! Miss G is such a cutie. Difficult to believe we are only one month away from a new year. A fresh new RSC year.

Vicki W said...


End of Year…

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