Sunday, February 28, 2016

Stash Report Week #9

IN this week: 3 yards
OUT this week: 1/2 yard

IN YTD: 20 1/2 yards
OUT YTD: 21 3/4 yards
YTD Total: 1 1/4 yard OUT!

Whew!  I'm still barely ahead.  I finished a placemat for my recently born niece, but then I found a perfect backing for my nephew's quilt, so I received fabric in too.  Fortunately, I've only bought what I plan to use, mainly backings this year.

In other news, my son JoJo has either bacterial pneumonia or influenza.  Either way, killer on sleep and any sewing time!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Cinnamon and Nutmeg

This week, I finished four Bits and Bobs blocks and many more tiny nine patches in blue since I've exhausted the browns.

My applique, while straying from the brown, is progressing nicely.  I've surpassed my goal, which is good as planting season is nearly upon us!

I've worked up enough parts for 12.5 more blocks, but they remain in the "parts" stage, so my blocks look about the same for Odd Fellows.

I was surprised how few people liked brown this month.  I was looking forward to brown, and I'm eager to see my quilt progress!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Stash Report Week #8

Nothing in, nothing out.  Chugging along...

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Mahogany and Hazel

Navy Baby is finished and blogged (and washed and ready to gift)!

The week followed with more triangles, these in all shades of brown (and orange).  I just took a moment to look up synonyms of brown, and there are so many delicious and descriptive possibilities!  I'm diligently working away on my Odd Fellows blocks.  I need 88 total blocks, and as of this writing have 61 block quarters complete.  I think I'll leave them as block quarters for the next while, as I see I have much more orange to incorporate, and don't want blocks to be too heavily one or the other.  We'll see what I think before the month's end.

I've been searching for new scrappy quilt books lately, and have been pondering the two different definitions of scrappy.  I find many books consider scrappy to be using many different fabrics, rather than using your leftovers.  Since my scraps really are leftovers, I frequently find "scrappy" patterns ask for too much of a single fabric to be workable for me.  What is your take on scrappy?  I distinguish between my stash (anything larger than a fat quarter) and my scraps (2.5" strips and squares on down to 1" strips and squares).

My Bits and Bobs will be paltry in brown.  I don't think there will be enough for even four blocks, but I have another week to finish stitching up the tiny nines to find out, don't I?

In non-quilty news this week, DH badly sprained his ankle and Miss G tried to break her nose.  I'm just tired.  JoJo slept for 12 1/2 hours one night (he was up a few times, but I still count it a win!).

Be sure to check out all the other brown projects this week!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Finished Quilt: Navy Baby

Ooh, how I love this quilt!

"Navy Baby" began with a need for a quilt for friends who are in the navy.  When I asked DH for color suggestions, he suggested navy, gold, and white (navy colors).  I began pulling stash and scraps, vaguely thinking I would make a tumbler quilt as is the rage of late.  I wanted to divide colors between blue and "not blue," or my golds and lights.

A search was begun for my Dresden plate ruler.  After searching in vain, I suspect I gave away the ruler when I hated making Dresdens.  Dang.  Then, I found the Sidekick ruler and thought maybe I could try it out (still in its packaging).  So, triangles.  Let's go!  (As a side note, I'm giving away my Sidekick ruler.  I didn't find it particularly friendly to those of us who are left-handed, so I don't imagine it will ever become a go-to ruler.)

I cut 3.5" strips because I wanted to include many fabrics and was worried 4.5" strips would result in too large a quilt and 2.5" would take forever!  I cut as many triangles as I could, then began piecing to determine how wide the rows should be.  21 triangles and 2 1/2 triangles seemed about right.

I ended the rows with extra blue to create a border, pressed all the seams open, and kicked myself for choosing an all-triangle quilt.

When it came to quilting, I froze.  How does one quilt a triangle quilt?  I considered straight lines on either side of the seam, but worried the intersections of all the triangles would be too bulky and end up puffing up and looking unsightly.  I considered straight lines in other patterns, but worried stitching through the intersections would break my thread or needle.  I considered a plain meander, but considered that chicken.  I can do better than a meander, right?  So I basted the quilt and pondered as I stitched all the triangles for ANOTHER all triangle quilt.  (What is wrong with me?)

I have long desired to practice feathers, as my last attempt, some years ago, was pretty pathetic.  I have plenty more experience quilting under my belt at this point, so I thought maybe, but then I balked.  What if I decided I didn't want to quilt feathers over the whole quilt?  Bleh, indecision.

Well, last Saturday, DH was occupied with cleaning outside and I had some free time.  I threw caution to the wind and quilted feathers across the corners, not in the same space or size.  Then, I filled in the remainder of the corners with a simple meander.  Next, I quilted to divide the remainder of the quilt into four uneven sections with a ribbon and a vine.  I filled each quadrant with a different pattern (stars, Cs, snail shells, and loops).  The intersections never caused a problem, so I worried completely for naught.  Done!

For the first time in machine quilting, I feel my quilting really adds something to the quilt.  This is no longer a simple rigidly geometric quilt, but a geometric quilt with a crazy amount of irregular texture.

I finished the quilt with a binding in two tones of gold, washed it, and am so excited to give it away.  Navy Baby finished approximately 40"x45".  I look forward to more bold quilting on my next quilt, whichever one that may be!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Stash Report Week #7

Woohoo!  Two finishes this week!

I finished some letters for the girls' bedroom as well as my Navy Baby quilt.  I'm glad to be back to busting stash as opposed to adding to it, as I really would like to see some more space open up in my cabinet for yardage.  I don't have pieces large enough for quilt backings anymore!  Another spool of thread was emptied this week as well.

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 4 1/4 yards

IN YTD: 17 1/2 yards
OUT YTD: 21 1/4 yards
YTD Total: 3 3/4 yards OUT!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Hot Cocoa

Well, JoJo has already defeated the newest door fastener and can lock himself in the bathroom for a forbidden midday bath, so I've been busy (and worn out) this week.  The fabric cutting has been curtailed, and it's always good to celebrate victories! He's also voluntarily vocalizing, sometimes imitating words, and approximating color words.  The world is pretty fabulous since his tenacity is a life saver despite the irritations is brings at times.

In the meantime, my navy baby quilt is pieced and basted.  I am torn on the quilting, but may brave feathers.  I had no time to quilt this week, so I may ponder for a day or two more.

The triangle madness continues.  I finished ninety of the 704 units that have the two small triangles, which takes care of all the triangle pairs I finished this week.  I've begun the large triangle units, for which I also need 704.  Now that I have the first block stitched up, I feel less daunted by the seemingly endless parade of triangles.  I spent Friday night cutting more while my family watched a video.

My applique is behind for the month, but I've decided to keep it low stress.  If it's not finished by my original goal, I already have another quilt that can work for donating, so I can take my sweet time.

Be sure to check out other lovely brown (and pink!) projects this Saturday.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stash Report Week #6

Nothing in, nothing out.

My baby quilt is moving along nicely, so I should have a finish before the end of the month, but not today!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Brownie Bites

How does a person eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

That, my friends, is how I'll be tackling all of life's challenges.  JoJo has managed to gain enough strength to unbolt the front door and unhook the fridge lock (version 3.2).  I'll be spending a bit of time sitting in front of the front door until he tires of testing his newfound skill (and we install more locks).  A bite and a day at a time, right?
My saving grace is that he causes none of his problems out of spite.
He just happens to be an incredibly clever and determined nonverbal kid.
And I, who profess to dislike triangles, have wreaked havoc in my sewing world.  First, I decided to make a baby quilt for friends who are due in May.  He's a Navy officer and she was Navy until they had kids, so DH suggested navy, gold, and white for the fabrics.  I chose triangles.  Equilateral triangles.  What was I thinking?  I was thinking I wanted to use my Sidekick ruler and try it out.  Let's just sum up the experience by saying: it's not really a ruler for this leftie.  I've been piecing a row or two (or three) a day, ripping out regularly as I foul up the row ends.  All the rows are done and a few are together (and I still have pointy points!), so one bite at a time.

I forgot to mention JoJo has also mastered fabric cutting with sharp scissors as well as an accurate knowledge of where said scissors are stored.  I lost a few strips and triangles to his earnest labors.  He was so proud of helping that I hadn't the heart to scold him.  I did find a higher spot for the scissors.

Oh, the triangle foolishness doesn't end there.  My nephew, little C, who is the oldest grandchild, needs a new "Aunt Katie" quilt as he is outgrowing his old one.  I chose Odd Fellow in browns and oranges.  Holy triangles, Batman! When I crunched the numbers, I found I need over 6000 triangles.  I wanted triangle practice, and I certainly made some for myself!  Fortunately, I have no intention of either cutting or piecing all the triangles this month.  I've pulled all my scraps in the right sizes and colors and cut additional strips from my stash.  For now, I'm piecing the smaller triangles and will hope to make some units this month and later when orange shows up.  One bite at a time.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Be sure to check out all the other chocolatey inspiration!

Friday, February 5, 2016

UFO: February Updates

Somehow, last month, I seriously fouled up my UFO list, so I've rewritten and hope everything that ought to be included is.

January 1: 20 UFOs
Finished: 3
Added/forgotten/started: 3
January 31: 20 UFOs

I finished Rainbow Road, Spunky's quilt, and a puzzle quilt.  I forgot to include Bits and Bobs on the list and added a project for my uncle and for a friend.

"Something Done"
1. Hand pieced hexi (quilting)
2. Tell It to the Stars (quilting)
3. ABC applique
4. Stockings (4 of 7 done)
5. Twinkler Star (cut)
6. Applique
7. Placemats
8. G's name
9. Navy quilt
10. Bits and Bobs
11.  Odd Fellow
Not Started Yet
1. Mom's yellow and grey
2. Purple and grey
3. Uncle Ron
4. Scrappy DWR
5. Aegean Sea
6. Orphan blocks
7. Kris quilt
8. Pillow
9. Embroidered pillows

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February Goals

In January, I wanted to...
1.  Mending.  I caught up, so Mount Mending is temporarily mastered. This project took extra long as I needed to do serious repair work on my first quilt, as the backing, made from scraps from my grandma's clothes making, ripped badly.

2.  A donation quilt needs to be completed.  I finished Rainbow Road and donated it to a fundraiser for our church's Mom's group.

3.  Quilt ten hexies on my quilt.  I think I quilted 11!

4.  Finish Spunky's quilt.  (Already done January 1).

5. Empty a tub of craft stuff.  Done.

6.  Scraps: trim, Bits and Bobs, applique, and start the puzzle quilt.  Trimmed, made 16 Bits and Bobs, 8 applique blocks, and finished the puzzle quilt!  I also started a blue and gold quilt from my scraps and stash.

In February, my plans are...
1.  Quilt 10 more hexies.

2.  Scraps: trim, Bits and Bobs, applique, and work on Odd Fellows in orange and brown.  I definitely won't finish this one in a month, as there are thousands of triangles involved.

3.  Make Miss G's name for her closet door.

4.  Crochet a new winter hat for myself.  I lost my old one!

5.  Clean up my business files.

6.  Baby quilt for a friend.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January Block Count:

16 Bits and Bobs
13 "blocks" for Rainbow Road
8 applique
24 puzzle quilt blocks

I'm starting off the year with 61 new blocks!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z,

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...