Thursday, March 2, 2017

March Goals

In February, I want ed to...
1.  Keep sewing scraps in sea green, blue green, teal, turquoise, etc. Trimming, Bits and Bobs, 4 Garden Party, 20 mini 9s, 20 hourglass, and four Barn Dance blocks.  If all those get done, I have a small collection of orphan blocks to transform into a baby quilt. Done, done, done.

2. Tell it to the Stars: quilt two sides of the grey setting triangle border. Done!  I actually finished all four sides.

3.  Finish Winter Dance.  Alas, not done.

4.  Finish three pillow cases.  Yes!

5.  Finish DH's stocking.  Yes!  It's a little bittersweet to have them all done, but a relief as well.

6.  Baste all my rose appliqué pieces, including stems, to the background.  Whew!  Done!

7.  Start and finish a commission Tshirt quilt.  Yup!

In March, I hope to...
1.  Manage the red scraps: trimming, Bits and Bobs, Garden Party, Mini 9s, hourglass, and Barn Dance.  I've also pulled out my red/brown/burnt orange orphan blocks and will see what I can eke out of them after all the other goals are done.  Also, Spunky and I are collaborating on a quilt that uses red scraps for half the blocks, so I'd like to get those 17 blocks completed.

2.  Tell it to the Stars UFO progress.  Judy called for number 5, but it's already done, so I'll work on #11.

3.  Finish Winter Dance.

4.  Make some progress on the Rose appliqué.

My goal is also to do less... Enough is as good as a feast...  Spring is sneaking up on me, and that means garden time to replace sewing time...

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Congrats on all your February progress and good luck with your March goals.

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