Saturday, March 31, 2018

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Brick Wall

I struggled to write this blog post: if I should post, what I should post.  Last Saturday morning, a few hours after my green post, I was working outside with my husband, building a compost bin.  At one point, the tractor bucket slipped off a Tpost, collided with my hand (which I already know should not have been where it was), and was quickly raised by my husband.

Unfortunately, three bones broke in my left (dominant) hand.  My third metacarpal broke, shifted, was pushed down and out of joint.  My first two thoughts?  No more quilting!  How am I going to write?

An ER visit Saturday, a visit to the hand specialist Tuesday, and surgery Wednesday all together mean I’m a threadless, fabric-deprived woman right now.  My hand is so swollen, and moving the fingers is so painful, that at this moment, it’s hard to imagine I’ll ever sew again.

I know that’s not reality, so I ordered some neutral 1.5” strips to sew with my 1.5” scraps each month without needing to hold the rotary cutter.  Since I can’t sit at the machine until the swelling goes down, I’m enjoying plotting new quilts and have placed a fabric order that is quite contrary to my 2018 goals, but will give me a fresh view to admire while I rest.  Vicki so kindly sent me a gorgeous fabric postcard, so I have that propped up by my lamp to enjoy it as well.

In the last week, I’ve felt cheerful more than depressed.  My tendons and nerves are okay, my fingers weren’t damaged, no bones shattered, and my husband’s quick thinking saved me from more serious damage.  Laying on my back with my hand above my heart has been challenging.  I’m not good at resting!  My family has been over daily to help James juggle all the work, and I am so grateful that we have had many meals brought or promised already.

I will certainly treasure all the link ups this week, and I hope you will too!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Jennifer said...

wow! so sorry to hear of the mishap, but glad it wasn't worse. yes, it's so hard to rest when you're the mama- you're used to taking care of everyone else, not them taking care of you! hope everything heals quickly- enjoy the rest while you can- spring work is galloping right up on us!

Ivani said...

I am so sorry to know what happen. Take care and rest as much as possible and soon all of this was past.

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

Oh Katie! I am so sorry that happened! I hope you can rest up and hopefully soon you will be able to get back to the sewing room. Take care.

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh no! That would be so hard for me too to not be able to quilt and have to rest!
Take good care of yourself so your hand will heal quickly!

Nanette said...

Such an awful thing to happen, but glad to hear you're hand will be ok. Take care.

Katie said...

I'm glad to hear it's better than it could have been and that you've got help! Years ago I broke my dominant hand and know how unimaginably frustrating it can be as you realize just how much you use it (zipping your pants, anyone?!). Hang in there. You'll quilt again, as well as do all the other things. But listen to the docs and do ALL the physical therapy they might ask of you! And there's a bonus - you'll forever be better at doing things with your non-dominant hand! (I can still feed myself nearly as well with my non-domonant hand as my dominant hand...20 years later!) Keep up the positive thoughts and you'll be back to 100% in no time!

Julie in GA said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your injuries. Thank goodness it wasn't worse! It's great that you have family nearby to help. Good luck with your recovery.

grammajudyb said...

I am so sorry to hear of your accident. Katie gave some good advice as to doing as the docs recommend and doing the physical therapy. Hope you can rest some. Take care of YOU!

Mari said...

Oh my goodness! And just as spring is getting here, too! I hope you heal up quickly and get back to everything soon. At least there are many other hands to help out! I've heard that fabric cures everything, so I prescribe large doses of new textiles. :) Happy Easter!

Cathy said...

So sorry to hear of your accident! This is an especially hard time of year as nature reawakens and so many tasks call to us. But you are fortunate to have a quick- thinking husband, family nearby to support you, good medical care and a good attitude. The difficult times will pass and you will heal. But the silver linings will remain. And know that your cyber friends would be there to help out, too, if we could. Stay in touch with your RSC sisters as you heal, OK?

Unknown said...

So very sorry for your hand injury.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Oh, Katie - thank goodness for a quick-thinking husband and for family and friends available to help you while you recover. Rest - physical therapy - and lots of new fabric should help, too - ;))

Vicki W said...

I'm glad the card arrived safely! I hope the healing process goes quickly.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Katie, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this, when there is so much you'd rather be doing! Sending positive thoughts your way that the pain and swelling go down quickly. I know you'll figure out a way to get some fabric therapy!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Surgery, too?! Yikes!! Time to buy more fabric to console yourself. LOL
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Katie.

gayle said...

Ow ow ow! Wishing you speedy healing!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ouch!!! and Ow!!! And I hope that it recovers SO fast!!! Its amazing how much something you take for granted effects ( or affects - i never was good at those two words) you daily life! Enjoy looking at your yummy new fabrics - and maybe find a book to read???

Cathy Tomm said...

Oh no! I hope you heal fast.

Kate said...

Oh ouch! Hope that the swelling is greatly reduced now and you can see signs of things improving. Sounds like you've got a plan to reduce the withdrawal from the sewing machine. Hopefully all the kids are pitching in and that managing all the house hold stuff hasn't been too bad. Are you allowed to drive? Take care!

End of Year…

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