Monday, June 6, 2011

Design Wall Monday

my UFO for the month = lots of little plastic hexagons and scraps of star fabric (and expected mail all next week, from 5-10 lovely ladies who are volunteering to send me 5" squares to help me make progress!)

my monochromatic project for the month = blocks for another table runner

Bear Cub Q likes to rearrange, so I can't keep the rows straight!
the perpetual hand-quilting project = sweat... we haven't turned on the air yet, despite 100+ days, and it's HOT under a queen-sized quilt!

Scraps to Treasures... too many little pieces that my kids like to rearrange, which is making it hard to keep in order

crocheting = yarn and needles and little girls want to try everything on!

Check out pictures of other design walls over at Judy's place.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

We had a small tornado come through our subdivision area and were without electricity from 4:30 pm to 7:30 am. It was cool that night thank goodness.

You have a lot of work going on, sounds like hot fun! LOL

Bonnie said...

I like what you have on the wall. I don't think I could last in 100 degrees temps without the ac. I'm a wimp.

happydaysquilting said...

Great table runner!

Jane said...

Looks like a great table runner. Probably too complicated for me!

Amy said...

Very cute table runner.

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