Monday, March 4, 2013


Dear LQS,

I think today sealed the deal and you will no longer benefit from my business.

I have four small children, indeed I do, and I have them all on purpose.  Smirking and commenting, "Oh, she has her hands full," in THAT tone of voice (you know what I mean) because I have three kids under five with me does not encourage me to return. They don't hurt anything.  How about, "Oh, you have a lovely family," or, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!

Then there's the matter of your dogs.  Hey, it's your choice to gave your dogs in your business.  However, I always have a child or two in tow, and every time we visit, the growling and barking at my children makes shopping nearly impossible.  My kids know to be still around skittish animals, but even if they hide behind me, the barking continues.

Next time, I'll wait to travel to a less-LQS where my business and children are welcome.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
Katie Z.


Living the Lewis Lifestyle said...

Those comments about lots of kids? I hate them too, my mom got a lot of that, so rude. Even as an adult people feel the need to make some sort of snide comment about the amount of siblings I have. Little do they know that having a large family is a blessing and a gift they lost out on.

Kate said...

Do you ever wonder how some shops stay in business? Hope your alternative shop is more user friendly.

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