Saturday, February 20, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Mahogany and Hazel

Navy Baby is finished and blogged (and washed and ready to gift)!

The week followed with more triangles, these in all shades of brown (and orange).  I just took a moment to look up synonyms of brown, and there are so many delicious and descriptive possibilities!  I'm diligently working away on my Odd Fellows blocks.  I need 88 total blocks, and as of this writing have 61 block quarters complete.  I think I'll leave them as block quarters for the next while, as I see I have much more orange to incorporate, and don't want blocks to be too heavily one or the other.  We'll see what I think before the month's end.

I've been searching for new scrappy quilt books lately, and have been pondering the two different definitions of scrappy.  I find many books consider scrappy to be using many different fabrics, rather than using your leftovers.  Since my scraps really are leftovers, I frequently find "scrappy" patterns ask for too much of a single fabric to be workable for me.  What is your take on scrappy?  I distinguish between my stash (anything larger than a fat quarter) and my scraps (2.5" strips and squares on down to 1" strips and squares).

My Bits and Bobs will be paltry in brown.  I don't think there will be enough for even four blocks, but I have another week to finish stitching up the tiny nines to find out, don't I?

In non-quilty news this week, DH badly sprained his ankle and Miss G tried to break her nose.  I'm just tired.  JoJo slept for 12 1/2 hours one night (he was up a few times, but I still count it a win!).

Be sure to check out all the other brown projects this week!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


beaquilter said...

love your blocks (saw on socrappy) and I totally agree that I get discouraged when it says scrappy and then lists yardage that I don't have!!

Jennifer said...

great progress! keep plugging away it it... I'm with you on the scrappy. I usually just pick a few backgrounds that all "read" the same, and call it good. the same for the rest of the fabrics- if they're the same color, and in the same family, it usually works out!

Nell's Quilts said...

Love the look of the brown and orange triangles. Hmm, what is scrappy? Some of my scraps are larger than a fat quarter but they are ugly and I wouldn't want to use them in an entire quilt. By breaking them up into small enough bits I can live with the fabric in a quilt and it doesn't go to waste. Most though are strips and pieces left from fat quarters or yardage - not enough for an entire quilt. I agree that most books about scrappy quilts ask for too much yardage to be, in my opinion, scrappy. Gotta love Bonnie Hunter for scrappy quilts.

Cathy said...

Had to go look at Navy Baby to see how you ended up quilting it. Great decision. Looks wonderful.

I forgot about that Odd Fellow block I like so much.

Scrappy to me means using scraps. And to me anything less than a FQ is a scrap and I don't mean pre-cuts less than a FQ are scraps because I don't buy them. The other quilts people call scrappy are quilts that use a lot of fabrics. I get bogged down in the instructions that say cut x of A, of B, of C, of D, of E, of F and then cut y of G, of H, of I, of J, of K! Just show me the block and I'll just cut w/o instructions.

scraphappy said...

I use the same definition of scraps as you, but from time to time, I do mix in larger fat quarter sized pieces to keep things interesting. Hope that everyone is feeling better soon. Sounds like a full night of sleep would do you a world of good.

Kate said...

Hope DH's ankle isn't too bad and that Miss G has fully recovered. Maybe JoJo is getting close to turning a corner and things will get a bit less hectic. I love your Odd Fellows blocks. The orange just softly glows with the browns, but doesn't take over.

When I first started making rainbow scrap quilts, I added in some fat quarters because I didn't have the whole rainbow spectrum. Now my scrap stitching is limited to those early acquisitions and my scraps. Most patterns do want you to use a common background fabric. Bonnie Hunter is probably the only one who consistently uses scrappy backgrounds in her patterns. So it does make it hard to find a pattern to be made only from scraps.

Sally Trude said...

Your Odd Fellows are doing a jig. Fantastic!

Vicki W said...

These blocks are going to make a great quilt!

Kaja said...

I love your blocks - great range of browns. Like everyone else, I think scraps are just that, scraps, bits left over from other things, and in my book that means definitely not more than a fat quarter.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your brown and orange quilt is so pretty! I also went over and looked at your triangle baby quilt and love it! How was it to match the seams? The gold binding is perfect for it!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Scrappy equals a mix of fabrics -- 10 neutrals are better in the background than one; five different blues are better than one; seventeen different reds are better than one. I prefer to make my own blended fabrics and then cut it back apart if necessary (or sew two little pieces together to get the size needed for one. There's too much stress in this world already - I don't need it in my studio!

Peggyinno said...

Your Odd Fellows look great. Love the bits of orange. It's on it's way to being a beauty!

gayle said...

I love your Odd Fellows, too! What a fun block to make. (//scribbling note to self to make some soon...)
I'm in the same scrappy camp you are. I've seen patterns for so-called scrap quilts that start off telling you to cut 5 2.5" WOF strips. Wut? That's not my idea of scraps...

Sheila said...

Beautiful scrappy blocks. I love scrappy. I hope everyone is feeling better soon at your house.
I have lots of scraps but if I need more neutrals or color variety, I feel my stash is fair game.When sashing for scrappy blocks requires a single color or a single neutral, I try to use something in my stash. If nothing looks right, I'll buy something to use. (hopefully on sale or with a coupon).

Ivani said...

The 66 odd Fellow blocks are looking good together.

Angie said...

Love the new blocks - lots of movement and secondary pattern! My definition of scrappy is more about the number of different fabrics, whether from leftovers or stash/yardage. The more fabrics in a quilt, the more I like it! Sending good health vibes for you & the family!

Turid said...

I love your scrappy blocks. I know that's lot of work. But as long as it's fun, it's always ok.

Julierose said...

Love that Odd fellow piece--
SCRAPS? Well, it depends on whether I like the fabric or not, I guess. Actually--some of my fat 1/4's fall into that category --but mostly less that a fat quarter--BUT also --maybe bigger pieces but with stuff already cut out of them (peek-a-boo holes) -- I must admit, it has to "GO" with what I'm making --at least in my own mind....certainly not everyone else's... I don't keep teeney tiny bits at all...
hugs, Julierose

Chantal said...

Sorry to hear about DH and Miss G painful adventures. Hope all will return to "normal" soon. Since I rarely buy more than 1.5 meter, FQs are not considered scraps in my house. Unless, the scrap bin doesn't have enough of a certain colour than I will "add" a FQ lol. You shouldn't have to buy yardage to make a scrap quilt.
Love your brown and orange Odd Fellow. Great progress. ;^)

Dasha said...

I agree with Cathy. Hate the "scrappy" quilts that require you to buy lots of different fabrics in a specific colour range or are simply an advertisement for a particular designer fabric. My scraps are definitely much smaller than a FQ but no smaller than 2". Although I like the idea of cutting up a fabric that appears ugly to me and using it that way. Haven't ever bothered to do that because I have way too many "real" scraps.
Your Odd Fellow quilt is looking fantastic. Good combination of colours - brown & orange.
Hope your family is on the mend soon.

Ellen said...

I love your Odd Fellows - the brown/orange combo is wonderful! My scraps consist of smaller pieces of fabric left over from other quilts. I usually cut these remnants into strips but occasionally I will keep them in chunks. They are certainly smaller than a fat quarter.

Jennie in GA said...

The Odd Fellows blocks are stunning. I don't consider a quilt scrappy if it comes from a group of purchased coordinated fabrics. Scrappy comes from leftovers of multitudes of fabrics at my house.

Sooli said...

I'm with you, a scrappy quilt is made from leftovers! My scraps are anything smaller than a fat 8th really. I cut them up into usable square sizes and keep the strings and crumbs in colour order. Handy when you are doing a rainbow scrap challenge!

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