Friday, March 4, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Amethyst and Iron

The week has seen less stitching than I might have wished, as JoJo developed pneumonia and Miss G seems to have escape the pneumonia but contracted whatever violent illness accompanied it.  Erg.

I am very happy to start the new month with strip sewing and cutting.  I'll be making a quilt from the book Recreating Antique Quilts by Wendy Sheppard.  I won the book in a giveaway when it first came out, and I immediately knew I wanted to replicated her Feathery Formation quilt in purples and grey.  I even gathered my 1.5" strips earlier in the year, so I was ready to match and sew.  Assembling the 9-patches are my current hangup, as Miss G wants me to hold her at all times.  She'll feel better soon!  
I'll need 16 of these blocks, and I have the nine-patches together for eight.

Be sure to check out all the refreshing purple projects this weekend!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Nell's Quilts said...

Hope everyone is better soon. Your first block looks so calm and restful. Amethyst and iron - a lovely combination.

Cathy said...

HI Katie, sorry to hear of the sick kidlets. Hopefully they will be all better in no time. Your block is lovely, and as Nell said, very calming. What a lovely color combination. I look forward to seeing more of this project.

Ivani said...

Hope your kids are feeling better. great block

Cathy said...

Hope the kids are feeling better. Love the block and the color scheme.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a neat block, and such pretty colors. The book you are working from sounds fascinating!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sounds like you and yours had a rough week! Here's hoping everyone is on the mend. Your quilt block is coming together nicely. Hopefully, you'll be back at your sewing machine soon!

Alison V. said...

This looks like the start of a great quilt! Purple and grey is a great combination!

Deb A said...

Oh no! I hope everyone is feeling better so Mom can get some relaxing sewing in. Snuggles when they are sick are so important..... everything else can wait =) Hugs.

Kate said...

Hope everyone is well on their way to being well. I like those colors together, it's going to be a beautiful quilt.

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