Saturday, March 26, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Slow and Steady

I started this blog post with a complaint of how hard last weekend's drive home was (I had a bug or altitude sickness), but last night takes the cake.  Two kids with fevers, an autistic non-verbal child with an ear infection, and another child with second degree burns.  That leaves one relatively healthy child and two sleep deprived parents.  Hello, exciting life with kids!  Oh, and did I mention the massive fire in Oklahoma and Kansas blew lots of smoke and soot our way, so that has multiplied the breathing issues.

Anyway, until the last 24 hours, we really had a fabulous week.  The kids had fun playing outside, we're preparing for a baby shower for my sister-in-law, and the garden is taking its share of time.

I did whip out a meager pile of Bits and Bobs.  I still have plenty of blue to stitch up, so it will keep coming back each month!
The quilting on this beauty is proceeding slow and steady.  I have one or two setting triangles to rip out as I didn't have a clear plan and they look ugly.  Otherwise, I'm pleased with the pace.  Maybe I will still finish before the end of March (or maybe not.  I need no pressure, right?)
Be sure to check out other lovely projects this weekend!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


scraphappy said...

Thanks for at least one healthy child in the mix. Hoping they are all back up and at it soon enough. The quilting is coming along beautifully. Though the bits and bobs take ages, they are all worth it in the end.

Ivani said...

Hope all your kids are feeling better. Fire is always scary.
great mini blocks and Enjoy your time quilting this beauty.
Happy weekend!

Jennifer said...

the quilt looks great! hope everything is looking up now!

Mari said...

That's the way it always goes--one kid down and the others fall like dominoes. Sometimes I don't know how my parents did it. Hope they are all better soon. Glad you carved out 5 minutes to sew!

gayle said...

I hope the kids feel better fast! It's hard when even one is sick...
I always love seeing your bits and bobs. And your quilt looks wonderful!

Cathy said...

One crazy week you've had. Hope all the kids are better quickly!! Your bits and bobs are so cute and always brighten my day!

Julierose said...

ohmygosh--hope everyone is feeling a LOT better (and here I am complaining about my "bug that will never leave!!) I L O V E your quilt in progress--mini blocks are just adorable--hope you can enjoy sewing this weekend...hugs, Juierose

Vicki W said...

I wish for you to have a boring day soon!

Deb A said...

Oh no! Hope it was just a 24 hour bug and everyone is feeling better so Mom and Dad can get some restful sleep. Your quilt is beautiful and your bits and bobs are always so fun to see. Quilty hugs and hopefully between snuggles, hugs and kids needs you can get a little sewing time in for you.

The Joyful Quilter said...

And THEN things went CRAZY!!! Blocks and quilting are looking good. Here's hoping the littles recover quickly and the fires are extinguished!

Chantal said...

My heart goes out to you. I remember when the boys were small and got sick, it always worried me to no ends. It was very demanding on myself and I only have three. Poor soul. Hope all gets better real soon so you can catch your breath and a good night sleep. Sending prayers your way. ;^)

Peggyinno said...

Hope all are feeling better by now and you are able to get some sewing done soon.

Kate said...

That smoke was horrible, I missed out on most of it, but flying home on Wednesday it permeated the plane. Not comfortable at all. Hope everyone is on the mend and you've been able to get caught up a bit on your sleep.

Sheila said...

Bless your heart. You have had a most challenging week, dear. I hope thing improve in your house hold soon. You are a wonderful mom.

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