Saturday, July 2, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Turquoise Totals

Last Saturday, we were on the road, so I missed a week of turquoise.  It turned out to be a nice month despite missing out in a week of stitching.

My Bits and Bobs grew by a total of 6.  I think I need 70 more to wrap up this quilt, which may take me another year or two.

I completed my quilt based on Bonnie Hunter's Nifty Thrifty pattern.  It used up all but half a strip of the background, but I still have enough aquas left for another baby quilt.  I think Spunky will help me with that one.  I used one of the batiks I acquired on vacation for the backing, the captian's wheel, so I've decided to call it "Sail Away."

Much to my frustration, Miss G made one of my Twinkler Star blocks disappear.  We've cleaned the playroom twice, so it must be thoroughly buried.  Since I plan to finish this quilt in July, the first order of business will be to make a replacement block.  The next will be to ponder a backing.

My applique has strayed totally from following the scrappy color of the month, since I'm trying to fill in sparse colors.  I finished 7 in June.  Currently, for the life of me, I cannot remember how many I'm making in total!  As it 63 or 72?

I find my plan of whole quilts in various color schemes is not working out as well as I hoped here in the latter part of the year.  I'm not quite sure why I feel that way, except perhaps that I dislike having the Odd Fellows quilt unfinished in the background.  It is a quilt with many, many prices, and maybe a bit much for only two months.  It's a good thing we'll have November and December to wrap things up!

Be sure to check out new and old projects this Saturday!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


scraphappy said...

Love the Come Sail Away colors. I'm sure that missing block will turn up as soon as you make a replacement. That always seems to be the way it works in my house.

Mari said...

You know that as soon as you make a replacement block you'll find the missing star, right? :) Come Sail Away is lovely ( and now I'll have that song in my head all day!). Happy 4th!

Deb A said...

Love the colors in your sail away quilt. Sorry one block is playing hide and seek. Hope it surfaces soon.Hope the kids let you get a little sewing time in this weekend.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats! on your newly completed quilt. Good luck finding the missing Twinkler!!

Kate said...

Great wrap up of June's teal blocks. Not sure if I should hope you find the missing twinkler block. The way things seem to go, you'll find it after you've made a replacement.

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