Saturday, September 10, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Drying Out

Do you remember two weeks ago, when I was bemoaning the loss of our driveway and road?  Ah, well, I'm shaking my head in round two.  Thursday night into Friday morning, we received another 9 inches of rain and were without power for 8 hours.  This pregnant lady couldn't sleep with dead silence in the house (I need my fan!) and fretting over the inoperable sump pump while the drain tiles poured into the pump.  God is good, however, and we had minimal dampness in the basement and power is back (for now).  Our driveway, alas, is missing again.  The public school district cancelled school Friday, and since I couldn't get out with the van and DH nearly died in his truck, we kept the kids home for the day.  We had another 2" Friday night, kept power, and are preparing to go to the state fair.

Meanwhile, busing is less chaotic, JoJo is less exhausted by school, and I've been sewing up a storm.

The first major task was to complete my yellow and grey flimsy.  It's done, pressed, batting cut, and I'm waiting for a good day to baste it.  I have a hard time basting right now, as the floor and pregnancy are not the most compatible.  Next week.

My second goal was to quilt my appliqué quilt sandwich.  I will readily admit my marking of the quilting was less exact than perhaps is wise, but I hope the relatively equal spacing of the lines fools the eye enough.  I love the cross-hatching, and I always forget how much faster a small quilt moves along in comparison to a queen.  I had this lovely done in two days, trimmed, agonized over binding, and cut and sewed.  Whew!  I didn't try to match the binding to the color flow of the border, since I was using the entire rainbow, and I hope it works.  While choosing fabric for the binding, I sorted my beloved hand-dyed fabrics (mostly purchased from Vicki Welsh), as I have plans for another glorious quilt next year.  Pieced, not appliqué.  It washed splendidly, no colors bled, and it's ready to gift.  Initially, I thought I'd use it for a donation quilt, but I think I'll give it to one of the kid's teachers this year.

Finally, I've pegged away at my Odd Fellows blocks.  There are so many triangles, and I find the repetition tedious.  I did allow myself to cut and begin piecing another teacher quilt, so I reward myself after every 16 triangles with a rectangular piece of sewing.
Be sure to check out all the rosy hues this weekend!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Sounds like you have had quite the week, weather-wise! I hope your DH is okay - that didn't sound good at all. Your applique quilt is just beautiful! Nice finish!

Chantal said...

I so feel for you. I was pregnant with the third child when the Ice Storm of 1998 hit us with weeks on weeks of ice. Couldn't go out, I was so afraid of falling. You had a busy and less than good week. Praying for you, your husband and children to be safe through all this. Your quilt is charming. I really love the colour play. ;^)

Mari said...

Wow, what a week! Glad you found some time amid all the chaos. I love the hand dyes too--they make everything look good. Nice finish, too. Hope this week is better!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Considering your challenges, you had an amazingly productive week. Congrats! on your newly completed quilt.

Cathy said...

So glad that you are all well and safe! What a brutal week you endured! But even with all the downs, you had a lot of ups - that quilt is just darling!

Peggyinno said...

That was quite a rough week for you. Here's to a better and drier week!

Angie said...

The applique quilt turned out adorable! Hope you all start drying out soon!

Deb A said...

My goodness. You have had quite a week. Your quilt came out beautifully. Have you tried board basting? Much easier on the back. You can google a video of it by Sharon Schamber. I do all mine that way now. Good luck

Alison V. said...

The quilt is adorable! I haven't tried board basting, but I have done table basting on my two more recent throw sized quilts and it has worked VERY well with little to no puckering or re-pinning.

PaulaB quilts said...

May God bless you with sunshine and good health. The quilt is perfect for a teacher. Take care.

Karen's Korner said...

A lovely finish and I admire your discipline of rewarding yourself with some rectangular sewing every so often.

Sheila said...

Your quilt is beautiful!!!! Congratulations on a wonderful finish!

End of Year…

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