Friday, April 7, 2017

Piebald Fabric

The week has been a week of this, that, and the other.  Conflict with bad business, insurance woes (sometimes I wonder why we even bother with it when it doesn't cover therapy), lovely wet weather, delicious asparagus harvest, turkey attacks, and a fight with mastitis all mixed in with a difficult Miss G and a fiesty JoJo.

I managed both my Garden Party blocks and my mini 9s.  I laid out my Garden Party blocks, and I love how they look!  I cut down the number of blocks for a smaller quilt, but I very well may have to make another full sized.  This size of strip and block just feels delightful to me.

My mini 9s are less multicolored than I expected.  I thought I'd made a point of cutting into my difficult fabrics, but maybe I had less of them in my 2" box than I recalled.  I still like these little beauties, and it will be fun to lay them out in a month of two.

Another fun project I've begun is a baby quilt.  It's fun multi-colored batiks from a jelly roll.  I've never used or purchased a jelly roll in my life, but this batch doesn't have pinked edges and seems uniformly cut, so it's been a breeze.

The battle with a new camera is launched.  I cannot, for the life of me, find the right cord (some littles opened the box, not me!) to upload, the wifi connection is being difficult, and I don't know how to use this camera.  I will figure out something, but for now, at least I found a (complicated) way to get these photos up for viewing!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Ivani said...

Let's foccus on good things. Your garden party blocks are lovely.
I love to see it with blue chain blocks. I am using green for mine. I am absolutly in love with these blocks. You did great!

Alison V. said...

I am loving where you are going with your Garden Party quilt! How much larger is it going to be?

Mari said...

We all have weeks like that! The garden party looks great, though! Way to make lemonade from the lemons.

Kathy S. said...

LOVE your Garden Party blocks in blues! Beautiful!

Chantal said...

First, I'll send prayers your way so that the calm after the storm may stay for a long time. Second, love Garden Party in blue. Okay, everybody knows I love blue but still, it really does look good in blue. May you find some time to relax and catch your breath this weekend. ;^)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a week, Katie! Glad you got a little bit of sewing time in. Both of the projects you showed us today look great! Garden Party looks like it's coming together, and I really like the variety of fabrics you have in your mini 9s, too!

maggie fellow said...

I like the garden party with blue 4 patches - hope your next week is calmer

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for taking the time to figure out a way to post a couple of pictures for us! Here's hoping the mastitis has passed. That's NO fun!!

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

I love your blocks! I hope you have a much better week next week.

Magpie Sue said...

I hope the coming week is easier for you and yours. It's relaxing to have a block to turn to that you enjoy making isn't it?

Cathy said...

Hoping you have a better week next week! And Garden Party is looking wonderful!

Kate said...

Garden Party is looking good. So sorry about the camera woes. I spent 30 minutes looking for the charger for my sewing room camera (the one that's been dropped so many times that it doesn't always work the first time). So finding chargers even without little ones can sometimes be challenging (turns out My Guy borrowed it, which is why it wasn't were I'd left it). Hope things are calmer next week and that the camera cables show up soon.

Angie said...

Love the Garden Party blocks! I quit using a camera cable to download pictures and just use a card reader. You can get them from Amazon for minimal investment. The digital storage card from your camera plugs into the card reader and the reader plugs into your computer. It should be faster than your cable, too!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Love the Garden Party blocks. Most of the blocks I've seen use red for the connector block. I love your blues. I want to make this quilt sometime and you have given me something to think about. Thanks!

Sheila said...

I love all your blocks and your PRINTS. Your quilts always come together beautifully.
I hope everyone is well soon and next week is better.

gayle said...

Oh, here's hoping you have a simpler calmer week! And that the camera gets really cooperative really fast!
Garden Party really is a fun quilt to make, isn't it? Mine started as leader/enders, but quickly turned into a main project. Those little blocks just fly together!

Deb A said...

Yikes, what a week you had. I hope things settle down (kids and troubles and health) and it is a nice 'normal' week for you this week. Your quilt is coming along beautifully.

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