Saturday, April 1, 2017

Slow Stitching UFO Progress

In March, Judy called for #5 to be done.  I already had finished it, so instead I moved on to #11and #12.  These two parts were the outside white border, which I had already outlined, but needed some "filler" shapes.  All that is done!  I realize I'm going to run out of UFO parts before the end of the year, but I think that's an excellent problem to have.
from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Unknown said...

You're certainly on a roll, keep it up!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Running out of UFO parts?!?!? - I agree - that is an excellent problem to have - and one that I don't see in my future - EVER - LOL - ;))

Julie in GA said...

You were so smart to break up the quilting into manageable segments. Much more satisfying when you keep meeting or beating your goals. Congratulations!

Kathy S. said...

Running out of UFO parts? Great work! When I grow up I want to have that "problem". LOL. I'm only 77 WIPS away from running out. LOL.

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

I love that amazing border :)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Whoot Whoot - cool that you already finished 5 , and yay that you didn't sit back and rest!

Julierose said...

Beautiful work on this one....I don't believe I will EVER run out of UFO's ...or parts drawer of shame is bursting....hugs, Julierose

Jayne Honnold said...

I am so happy to see this quilt. I, too, began this QAL and stayed with it through about October of that year (was it 2015? 2014?) And then that outer border just zapped me - I was too busy for something that looked so complicated. My UFO list for this year includes finishing off this quilt, and I am sure I will find that the border is not nearly as intimidating as I'd imagined. When I get to working on it, I will definitely be writing about it on my blog. I am going to run back through your archives to see how you progressed. I found you through Slow Sunday Stitching.

Rebecca Grace said...

Your quilt is beautiful. You're seriously going to RUN OUT of UFOs?! Maybe I should send you some of mine. I've got a few extras... ;-)

Maker Joy said...

Wow! Running out of UFOs!? Maybe you should dedicate a month to starting new projects just so you don't run out. :)

Kate said...

Congrats on all the progress this year. Running out of UFOs is not a bad thing.

Vicki W said...

Oh, I remember this pattern! Mom and I both made one.

Vireya said...

Running out of UFOs is a great goal to aim for! Congratulations on your progress so far.

End of Year…

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