Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Did It, Bonnie!

Bonnie is also having a Whirl into Winter Giveaway, but hers was more challenging to think about and enter than mine. That might be a good thing!

She asked us to reveal a chore we haven't done for a LONG time - and then get extra entries if we actually did it and posted pictures.
I don't often clean my daughters' toys often, for many reasons (some are excuses).
Let's start with:
1) Out of site, out of mind. It's behind the furniture, so I don't think about it unless I walk out of my bedroom.
2) I have two children under 3. Cleaning is sometimes an exercise in futility.
3) I'd rather be quilting.
4) Our living room drops to the 40's during the winter unless a fire is going full blast in the fireplace. We haven't played in there more than 3 times since Thanksgiving, when the cold set in.
I haven't cleaned in there since November, but now I have! It could still use some work, but at least like is with like. When it's warmer, I will do more - but it's better! Thanks for a reason to clean it up, Bonnie!

1 comment:

bingo~bonnie said...

Great JOB!!! You earned yoru self 15extra entries for the prize!!! I am so proud of you

Way to "Get 'er DONE!!!"

Thanks for playing along and also visiting my blog :) Love from Texas! ~bonnie

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