Sunday, January 4, 2009

Stash Report Week #1

Happy dance! I added 9 yards to the stash this week. I'm not starting the year on quite the right foot if I want to REDUCE by 50 yards, but there is a reason for every piece...

First, 7 yards of a lovely dark blue for my Japanese blocks quilt. It requires a large amount of fabric, and I don't own 7 yards of anything. I'm making it for a couple my DH and I are mentoring in preparation of their wedding day in May. The man of the couple wouldn't really "get" a scrappy quilt, so I'm going to make it one fabric. (You can also see the disaster of the assistant's toys. That's my life, and I love it!)

Even though there are 5 quilt shops in my town, we drove an hour away to a larger quilt shop. Unfortunately, there was drama in getting to the LQS, but we survived. The expedition included a visit to a cooking store that was CRAZY. Good thing I left Screamer and the Assistant in the car with DH.

Then DH found this. It's not in the ordinary way of things for me to buy fabric like this, so I'm not sure what to do with it. It's from Moda's "Peace on Earth" collection. I have a yard, which gives me two full repeats. I'm thinking a medallion type setting, but I'm not sure since it's wider than it is long. Any ideas?

There are also four fat-quarters of shades of mint. They made me smile, and helped the Assistant survive all the fat-quarter containers full of other goodies. She's currently protecting them next to her bed during her nap, so no picture.

Thus, for the year, 9 yards in, and it will get "worse" next week, but I won't be responsible for anything that comes in next week. I will validly be able to blame it on other people. Teeheehee. I'll make sure I take pictures.

I will be sending out 2+ yards on January 15 when my giveaway ends.

My lovely younger sister is in town with her boyfriend (they are both in college still), and they will be spending Tuesday with me and the girls, so I'm not working on Tuesday!


Sue H said...

I'm glad somebody else is starting out in reverse! All lovely fabrics. Yardage is something I rarely have either, or if I do, it's "not quite enough".

Lori in South Dakota said...

I love the fabric, I think I would make pillowcases so I could dream of all the places I could visit in my sleep!

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

I don't like to cut up big prints - so I would probably do pillowcases, throw pillows, maybe tote bags featuring a fussy-cut continent. The madallion idea for a quilt would be good too! The main thing is to NOT let it sit on your shelf because it is a big print - come up with a plan and cut right into it before you lose the nerve (that is what works for me anyway!). Cheers! -Evelyn

Kathy said...

Cute fabric!

Simone de Klerk said...

What a good idea, to make a quilt from just 1 fabric. Could be an idea for my father's quilt.

Theoketos said...

The world fabric is the British Empire!

Your New Home Awaits said...

I love that fabric-- can't wait to see what you do with it!

End of Year…

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