Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stash Report Week #4 and Goals

Goals for last week were:
- piece 1 set of charity blocks (1/18)
- load the Star Struck quilt on the hand quilting frame (1/19)
- quilt the 1st row of partial stars (1/21)

Bonus goals:
+ make Lil Sis's body pillow (1/21)
+ quilt a full row of stars - DIDN'T HAPPEN

I also:
+ made a second set of charity blocks (1/24)
+ made a plan for cutting for the Japanese quilt (1/24)
+ tamed my scraps - they are all trimmed and bagged! (1/24)

Stash Report:

I finished the body pillow for 4 yards out. I tamed scraps, and at least 1/4 yard was tossed in the bin. BUT!!! a 30 yard bolt of ticking arrived. Now, Lori says I should count it as DH's stash, since it's for him, but I realized then I don't get to count it OUT either, when I use it!

OUT this week: 4 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 11 1/4 yards

IN this week: 30 yards
IN YTD: 52 3/4 yards

YTD Total: 41 1/2 yards IN

Not great, but I'm plugging along, and I didn't push any buttons this week.

Goals for this week:
- 1 charity set of blocks
- quilt 2 rows (18 stars)

Bonus goals:
- finish a quiltlet (I made the top this week out of leftover 1/2 square triangles from a project last year. It's time to move them on!)
- begin cutting for Japanese quilt.

1 comment:

Lori in South Dakota said...

slow and steady wins the race you know!

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