Sunday, February 15, 2009

Stash Report Week #7 and Goals

Goals from this week:
+ I completed my six charity blocks
+ quilted 2 rows and finished a bit to make 3 rows done!
+ quilted one block of my quiltlet... it's taking a long time as a "back-burner" project
+ sewed more of the Japanese blocks
+ sewed a lumber tote
+ cut birthday dresses out

I went to JoAnn's and Hancock's this week for the President's Day sale for non-fabric things, yet somehow I have 5 yards of wool, 2 yards of cotton, and 4 1/2 of canvas to add to my totals. Does that have anything to do with DH accompanying me? You betcha!

I don't feel guilty, Judy, because I have a small stash, and these are all intended for long term projects. Gotta buy while I have the money, right?

I purchased a book called, "Sew and Stow" by Betty Oppenheimer (Storey Publishing) for myself for Valentine's Day. DH received a book on wiring and on home-wine making. I made him a "lumberjack" tote from my new book to use 1 1/4 yards (DH loves it, and it will save my back!), and I started a sleeping bag from the book. Unfortunately, the sleeping bag is a bit of a rush job, as we realized if we want the Assistant to use it when we visit the cabin, we have to have it done by Friday! DH's family owns a cabin, and we're going to check it out to see if we want to spend part of spring break in it... this Friday we're taking off for a whirl-wind 10 hours of driving.

IN this week: 11 1/2 yards
IN YTD: 72 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 1 1/4 yards

YTD: 67 3/4 yards IN

Goals for this week:
+complete my charity blocks
+quilt 2 rows
+complete the sleeping bag

+quilt 1 block of the quiltlet
+sew on the Screamer's birthday dress
+sew more Japanese blocks

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Brenda said...

OH!! I would love someone to ask me if I wanted to stay in their cabin!!! I hope it's a go when you check it out this weekend!! And making a sleeping bag by Friday, have fun with that, and I know it can be done so- get to it Girl!!! It's fun to shop with the other half. They like to help and sometimes that is a good thing!! Have a great week!!!

Lori in South Dakota said...

A cabin? Where is this cabin that it's 10 hours from you? You won't freeze will you?

You're making lots of progress, I want to see pictures of the assistant's sleeping bag. Filled with assistant of course!

Suzanne said...

A mini vacation away in a fun! Joann's got to me too....the fabric must be sending whispered messages to me ("buy me, buy me!)

End of Year…

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