Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stash Report Week #9 and Goals

With sick girls from Tuesday on and DH being out of town Friday and Saturday, I was slowed down in my quilting. I thought I'd get Screamer's birthday dress done (less than two weeks to her first birthday!), but it was not to be this week. Still, I quilted my two rows and basted my charity quilt. I even quilted the charity quilt, made a new lunch bag for DH (which he managed to use without destruction), marked the borders on my quiltlet using my Quilting Designs software, and sewed a little on Screamer's dress.

She's walking now, and she looks like a convalescent walking. It's kinda funny. I love it.

I also started cutting fabric for Judy's "mystery quilt." I confess, I took more than 5 minutes to pick my fabric, but I think I have a good excuse. First I picked fabrics from my regular stash in about 3 minutes. Then I thought, "Self, you have a perfectly good tub of star and snowflake prints that you rarely cut into. There are lots of lights and darks in there." So I returned the fabrics and started with a new plan of star and snowflake prints. Thus, more than 5 minutes. I'm almost done cutting my lights, then darks next, but only when my other quilting is done (and work is done. Sigh.).

And while I'm on the subject of stars and snowflakes, if anyone has star or snowflake prints of any color (preferably small design) that they would be willing to swap 4" squares of, I have a small box of hand dyed fabric I'd love to share in exchange. I'm working on a hexagon charm quilt of stars and snowflakes, but definitely don't have enough. If you're interested, email me or leave me a comment (please)!

OUT this week: 1/2 yard
OUT YTD: 25 1/2 yards

IN this week: O yards
IN YTD: 73 yards

YTD total: 47 1/2 IN

Goals for this week are:
- quilt my two rows (I'm over half done!)
- make the binding for my charity quilt. (If I finish it, that's 6 yards out!)

If I finish those goals:
+ sew Screamer's dress
+ make a bike tool bag for DH
+ finish my quiltlet

And of course, if I want a week of for Spring Break, I need to work 20 hours this week. I can do it!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Ya know the green star stuff you have in the picture... if you want more, let me know, I have a remnant and it doesn't match anything anything that I have.
EMail me your addy pls:

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