Thursday, April 16, 2009

I keep deleting what I write because it's all so NEGATIVE!!!! That's the kind of day it's been. Enough said.

I thought I'd throw out a picture of something cheerful that I made for a coworker of DH when she married. (Hey, the picture was not sideways on my computer. Whatever!)

I killed most of my strawberry plants while waiting to plant them. Oops. The horseradish wintered over well, and is the greenest thing in the year. There's garlic and wild garlic growing, and I think I see my first potato sprouts. Hurrah! I can grow things (I think I can, I think I can...). The peas are sprouting also, and we ate our first spinach a few nights ago. It's still very early, but I've been pulling dandelions, and that makes me want to plant too.

The Japanese quilt is coming along well. I think I'll have it finished before my surgery. Another hurrah!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Theoketos said...

Good things are on their way.

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