Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is it over yet?

Mouse #3 was discovered in a pool of coagulated blood. Are we done with this hide-and-seek game yet?

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

p.s. on a happier note, the Screamer is almost completely potty-trained when she wants to be!

1 comment:

Alzbeta said...

1) um... to be honest... ew! I'm glad at least that you aren't currently pregnant and having to find these things while battling nausea anyway. I hope that they have all vacated the premises!

2) YAY, Screamer!

The Week in Review

I finished the New York Beauty quilt.  Spunky took it to school for her art teacher, and he already sent home a thank you note, so I know it...