Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stash Report Week #10

Nothing in.  Nothing out.  Give me a few weeks, and that will change.  I completed my two rows of quilting on "Pink Things," and at this writing, have only to attach the lining to the cassock, then on to hemming and... buttonholes.

We went out to the land Friday and mowed in preparation for tilling.  Okay, DH mowed and I watched the kids and moved logs.

My sister wants me to open an etsy shop with crocheted baby hats.  Once she takes some lovely, gorgeous pictures (she's an awesome photographer), I will show you what I mean.  They're definitely addictive and fast to make!

Bear Cub Q has officially fallen down stairs.  Until this week, I was able to be fairly lenient in blocking the top of our stairs because he would tell me before he was heading for the stairs, then stop to look if I was coming.  (Isn't that nice of him?)  Then, I was upstairs putting up our gate to keep him in, when he pushed open the kitchen screen door and walked outside... and off the back steps.  Concrete.  All four of them.  Busted lip, line across the forehead, scrape over the eye.  Yup.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kate said...

In you can't go foward, not going backward should be counted as a progress!

Hope Bear Cub Q is healing up and that you've recovered from the near heart failure. It's amazing how fearless they can be isn't it?

Tamera said...

Sometimes I think mommy feels worse than the child when that happens!

End of Year…

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