Sunday, July 24, 2011

Design Wall Monday

Oh, the world for no fever!  My poor Bear Cub Q has been roasting between internal high temps and sweltering outdoors (yes, I have been keeping him inside, but do you know how hot it has been here? 105 with 110+ heat indexes.  Murder on the AC).

Do you know they are saying possible 100+ weather THROUGH SEPTEMBER?  I just need a few days respite!

I have made progress on my three table runners, but it is doubtful that I will finish all three this month.  As long as I finish the blue one, I am still on track.

Quilting detail

I am finished with 1/7 of the hand quilting on my version of Judy Laquidara's Peaches and Dreams quilt.  I had to buy more safety pins so I could finally finish basting it (it was about 4/7 basted when I ran out of pins!).  I will consider that UFO satisfactorily complete for the month if I can finish basting it.

We will be traveling again this week, so my hope is to finish my Scraps to Treasures top before we leave.  I also made the backing for my Scraps to Treasures quilt, all out of small bits of stash.  This quilt, by my estimation, is going to be a whopping 8 yards out when it's done.  Yes, there are lots of small bits.  Lots...

While we are gone, I would like to finish hand quilting to color wash table runner, but someone needs to get well first!

Check out the other design walls at Judy's place.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

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