Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My "Studio"

Okay, so my sewing "studio," if you will, is obscenely crowded.  Don't believe me?  Take a look for yourself.

My sewing space is a room 5 feet by 5 feet 10 inches.  Tight squeeze, no?  Do you like the gate?  It belong in front of our fireplace, but Bear Cub Q cannot be trusted in my sewing room (too many spools of thread and bobbins are unwound, and too many pins scattered and thrown willy-nilly.  You get the picture, right?).

Many things that have no other place go here... the vacuum, clothes to return to a friend, my guitar, my business materials, odds and ends of current projects, diaries to my children.

You can't see the bucket in the corner, but it's full of projects.  Over the gate railing are the pieces to placemats.

The window ledge holds bits and pieces seized from the kids, and the bulletin board is full of artwork and school info as well as a calendar for me.

There's clearly no room for fabric storage, or I wouldn't be able to sit down to my machine.  Where is all my fabric, you might ask?  Where's the yarn for my cuddly creations for babies?

In the basement.
Oh, look, there's my quilting rack!  That hasn't been upstairs since we put the house on the market last November.  Maybe I can sneak it up now, since we took the house off the market for the time being...  There are boxes of yarn on the table, as well as finished items.  Under the table is more yarn and more projects.  The four green tubs in the upper right corner as well as the blue tub next to them hold books, finished table runners, patterns, and fabric.

Mind you, I am NOT complaining.  I miss my 10x13 room upstairs, but my DH needed the office space worse than I needed the sewing studio.  And I have a room.  I know many quilters use the dining room table and squirrel away their fabric all over the house in various closets and under beds (of course, for me, that would require that I had closets... we only have one in each bedroom and a makeshift closet with a duct running through most of it!).

I think I need to clean.  I'll get back to you on my progress.

from the (cluttered) room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

sewkalico said...

Getting sewing stuff organised seems to be a constant problem in a crafter's life!!!

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