Friday, December 20, 2013

Sewing Rooms Spaces

As the final stop for the three week tour, I present...

my sewing spaces!

My sewing table shares space with the playroom, so here I keep the iron, yarn supply, sewing table, and design wall.  The coffee table is my cutting board, and JoJo loves to chase the rotary cutter.  Scary. I try to cut fabric when he's asleep.
 At the very bottom of the bookshelf, you can see my Easy Street (Bonnie Hunter's 2012 mystery) waiting for quilting.  I almost always quilt tops immediately, but this one has been waiting a year.  There was a baby born shortly after it was finished, if I recall correctly!
 The trunk holds non-sewing things like blankets and a Wi.  The top hold current projects and almost always some mending I'm trying to ignore.

In our utility room, the previous owners built in some counters.  One side holds the kids' art supplies.  The other recently became home to my fabric stash and project boxes.  Not all of my stash fits in the boxes, so I have some sewing to do!  The shelf above holds materials the kids can use... when supervised!  There's my Back to Square One top waiting for me to find time to piece the backing.  As soon as I finished hand quilting my DWR for my sister, I'm hand quilting this beauty!
We also have a closet under our stairs, part play place for the kids, part storage for sewing things.  A box of recycled jean pieces, home dec weigh fabric, batting scraps, giant pillows for a future project, clothing fabric, and a box of Tshirts for a quilt for the same sister who's getting the DWR.  (You can wait, can't ya?)
Since my kids share my spaces, I can't leave out too many dangerous things, so while the piles collect, they usually have to be put away sooner rather than later!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Quiltdivajulie said...

Those colorful yarns in the glass front cabinet are so pretty! And yes, with little ones, keeping stuff picked up is a priority . . .

Anonymous said...

Love the cabinet with yarn! This reminds me of how I sewed when my kids were little. We had a combination, family room/homeschooling room/sewing room. It all worked out!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Love it! you can see that you have to work around your family and that makes it small but it shows that you can get things done - one day when the children grow up and move out you will have your own sewing room and it will over flow quickly!

Vicki W said...

Now I know how you get so much done, you sew in the playroom! That's brilliant. You can interact with the kids and do something for yourself at the same time. That's the best way to save your own sanity.

Sharon - IN said...

You can get so much done with the kidos playing close by! I remember those days.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

My crafting used to be done in the living room when our kids were little - it was the only way I could get anything done. Looks like you have everything really well organized for the way you live. Lovely!

elle said...

A lot of us have waited to get our ideal sewing room but until then the ideal is just sewing! ;)

Kats Studio said...

Your space is great. Everything right at hand but easy to keep out of reach of little hands. Thanks for sharing.

Kate said...

You certainly make the most of the space you have.

Mystic Quilter said...

I used to have to use the dining room table for quilting/sewing when all my kids were little ones so I can sympathise with having to be careful not to leave things around the place. You have some great corners in use for keeping your quilting books and supplies handy!

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...