Saturday, July 5, 2014

HSTeria, slow going

It doesn't look much different, but I have worked on my tree skirt.  Those pesky little 4" blocks are taking so much longer than I expected, partly because JoJo has been finding the pieces no matter where I hide them and scattering them to the four winds.  I also haven't been getting enough sleep as we've been out in the evenings, and I'm too tired to sew when I can rest.  Oh, well.  Progress is progress.

I hope to finish the blocks this week and piece the top.  Now with what do I back it?

Check out other HSTerical projects at Vicki's place!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Love your use of color in the tree skirt. Good luck on getting it all sewn together this week.

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