Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Project List

I periodically like to publish a list of the projects I have in progress as well as those I plan to start eventually.  I'm trying to keep myself to less than 10 projects "in progress" at a time.  I need enough to have variety, but not so many that I never feel as though I'm making progress.  Besides, when the need arises, I'd like to be able to start a new project for a special gift without feeling completely overwhelmed.

Hopefully I can finish a few quilts before new inspiration strikes, as I see I have enough quilts on my future list to keep myself occupied for more than a year!  Time to get sewing.

To Quilt
1. Tell it to the Stars

Blocks Done
1. Hand pieced hexis

In progress
1. Omigoshish
2. Chevron, light blue
3. Chevron, blue, black and brown
4. Chevron, aqua and lime
5. 16-patches
6. Triangle scraps
7. Queen sized Carrie Nation
8. Donation Rainbow Star

Non-quilt projects
1. Placemat
2. Easter clothes
3. Funeral dresses
4. Pillows
5. Someday, inherited embroidery
6. Kitchen towels

Future projects
1. Blue and yellow Carrie Nation
2. Glacier fabrics
3. Giant chevron for my mom
4. Sets of coordinated scraps
5. Hand pieced 5" squares
6. Memory quilts
7. Crazy quilt (customer)
8. Horses quilt
9. Odd Fellow block
10. Scrap crystal
11. ABC quilts
12. Scrappy DWR
13. Lime/Aqua/white diamonds
14. Alzbe's Tshirt quilt
15. Tom and Hannah
16. Orphan block quilt

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kate said...

That's quite a list! Good luck with your 2015 quilting plans.

elle said...

You have a nice variety to work on!

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